In the upper right-hand header, the GH image link registers as both a visited link and a navigation element. Navigation seems to be unnecessary/a bug.
Across the site, different colors don't register and aren't announced by the reader. This isn't quite a bug, but feels like an enhancement we could add. Not having it misses a large part of the point of this beautiful interface.
Under Buttons - Default Buttons, the click counts register as two separate elements: 1) clicks; 2) count. In all other click counts on this page, the two elements register combined as one element, which should be the right implementation.
Under Buttons - Button States, the reader doesn't register the spinning wheel inside the 'wiating for something' button.
Under Radio Buttons - Basic Radio Buttons, the reader reads Lorem ipsum text that is not there. Feels like a copy/paste of the radio buttons with text below that hasn't been fixed.
Under Cards - Card with an Image, the reader doesn't announce what is on the image. The image seems to change with each reload, so it may be easier to load a static image and describe what is on it for the reader.
I used as reference source for testing. A few of the test cases in the reference (i.e. accordions, addons, date pickers, etc.) are not present on our site therefore are NM, but the rest I tested for both navigability and text displayed/read out loud.
Observed the following potential issues: