pureblazor / components

PureBlazor UI Components
MIT License
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Proposal: Ripple effect #57

Open danielchalmers opened 2 months ago

danielchalmers commented 2 months ago

A ripple effect for interactable components:


It should originate from the pointer:


It should start when the pointer is held and end when the pointer is released (with a minimum of about half a second or so):


And it should be able to ripple multiple times at once:


codymullins commented 2 months ago

I like it - we previously had a "jiggle" effect that had to be temporarily removed, we can probably look at how to enable both of these things with the theming or a PressedStyles parameter.

codymullins commented 2 months ago

Re-added base for this functionality in https://github.com/pureblazor/components/commit/0ca0ffb0df347c67f0c73767d817050375be0340

danielchalmers commented 2 months ago

Re-added base for this functionality in 0ca0ffb

@codymullins Cool! I see onmousedown, onmouseup, onclick (MouseEventArgs) - Does it work with touch? onpointerdown might work better 🤔

codymullins commented 2 months ago

good call - I noticed touch wasn't working correctly when testing from my phone lasts night.