purescript-contrib / governance

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Absorb archived libraries into PureScript contrib #38

Closed milesfrain closed 3 years ago

milesfrain commented 3 years ago

Should we migrate more archived libraries into this contrib org so we can ensure they're kept up to date and available in the latest package sets? One candidate is the event library (https://github.com/paf31/purescript-event/pull/7).

JordanMartinez commented 3 years ago

I think one reason why that wasn't done earlier was because it wasn't clear who would maintain it. That's why I responded to a similar question in the way that I did.

Would you be willing to maintain event?

thomashoneyman commented 3 years ago

The halogen-subscriptions library absorbed the relevant parts of event for Halogen applications, though its useful beyond just Halogen. Otherwise, without a committed maintainer in contrib I would rather not absorb libraries. We already have a problem with too many libraries and too few knowledgeable maintainers for them.

garyb commented 3 years ago

Also, Phil doesn't want to transfer his archived libraries. He feels like there's little evidence of his public PS projects anymore so wants to keep the few he has left under his name.

thomashoneyman commented 3 years ago

Yes, that as well. Though I’m including forking to contrib as something I’d only want to do with a dedicated maintainer.

milesfrain commented 3 years ago

I guess it's straightforward enough to just fork an archived library as an individual and republish.