Open natefaubion opened 7 years ago
could have something like the following law:
(attempt do
f <- fork ma
kill e f
join t) == Left e
That is, attempting to join a killed forked thread yields the error it was killed with. Some restrictions on ma
might be needed.
Another law for MonadKill
might state that for all a
(attempt do
f <- fork (pure a)
kill e f
join t) == Right a
would take a similar approach and say that the release action is always invoked, even when the body throws an exception (law 1), and even when the thread is killed (law 2). i.e. release is always invoked, whether the body completes normally, is killed from within, or is killed from without.
type Suspension e = { suspend :: Aff e Unit, resume :: Aff e Unit }
newSuspension :: Aff e (Suspension e)
suspension <- newSuspension
f <- fork $ suspension.suspend *> ma
kill e f
r <- attempt $ join t
r == Left e
fork/join (strict) and suspend/resume (lazy)
class (Monad m, Functor t) <= MonadFork t m | m -> t where
forkSuspended :: forall a. m a -> m (t a)
join :: forall a. t a -> m a
suspend :: forall a. t a -> m Unit
resume :: forall a. t a -> m Unit
fork :: forall a. m a -> m (t a)
fork = forkSuspended >>= (\f -> resume f *> pure f)
^^^ @natefaubion What other formulations might exist?
I think we could just add suspend
to MonadFork
, because there are useful laws in terms of each other. resume
and join
are the same thing.
class (Monad m, Functor t) <= MonadFork t m | m -> t where
suspend :: forall a. m a -> m (t a)
fork :: forall a. m a -> m (t a)
join :: forall a. t a -> m a
join <=< suspend = id
fork = fork <<< join <=< suspend
class (MonadFork t m, MonadThrow e m) <= MonadKill e t m | m -> e t where
kill :: forall a. e -> t a -> m Unit
(do t <- suspend (throwError e1)
kill e2 t
join t)
= throwError e2
(do t <- fork (pure a)
kill e2 t
join t)
= pure a
data BracketResult e
= Killed e
| Failed e
| Completed
class (MonadKill e t m, MonadError e m) <= MonadBracket e t m | m -> e t where
bracket :: forall a b. m a -> (BracketResult e -> a -> m Unit) -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- Wave hands
Yes, you're right, sorry. I didn't intend to include resume
in that version.
In any case, I don't think we need attempt/try
to state the laws for MonadKill.
Overall, I like it. 👍
What useful things, if any, could a user do with suspend
is useful when you want to preemptively "fork" a computation, but there may not be any consumers to observe it, in which case nothing gets run.
So for example, you could build a table of forked effects, but then only observe the results as needed. This means things are only computed on demand and then memoized (at least for Aff).
So then perhaps this should be a law:
(do t <- fork a
_ <- join t
join t)
= fork a >>= join
The problem with that example is you can bypass the whole suspend
/ join
merely by sequencing the result into the parent. Instead of storing the "suspended" effects, you just store the actions, and instead of joining them, you just run them. The effect is the same.
That's not true. With the above law (multiple joins don't run the effect more than once), it's very different. If you stored Aff actions, every time you dereferenced it, an effect would run. With suspend
and join
, effects are only run once as needed.
A real world example, trivial lazy loading with ListT (Aff eff) (Thread eff Result)
and suspend
Actually, that example is poor. So you might be right 😆
The lazy loading example is useful if you want to share results among multiple consumers. The sequencing an effect thing only applies with a single consumer.
Yes, that's right, for more than one consumer, suspend
achieves sharing. If there's no rush, let's think it over a day & make sure this is the best law-abiding formulation we can come up with.
Unjoined suspension is a no-op
suspend a1 *> suspend a2 = suspend a2
Killed suspension is an exception
suspend a >>= \f -> killFiber e f *> joinFiber f = throwError e
Suspend/join is identity
suspend >=> joinFiber = id
Fork/join is identity
fork >=> joinFiber = id
Suspend/kill is unit
suspend a >>= killFiber e = pure unit
Join is idempotent
joinFiber f *> joinFiber f = joinFiber f
@jdegoes do we want to punt on bracket
for now?
We can forgo algebraic laws for the time being, and just state operational laws.
@natefaubion I think so. The best I came up with was specifying its behavior in the absence of interruptibility:
nonInterruptible $ bracket aff1 f g =
nonInterruptible $ do
a <- aff1
e <- try (g a)
f a (either Failed Completed e)
either throwError pure
This is a guarantee that, assuming nothing is interrupted, the release action is always called so long as the acquire action succeeds.
I think stating more than that — that the release action is called if the body is interrupted — cannot be stated algebraically with this formulation, at least, not without a model of Aff
. So operational laws are better than nothing and we can always improve this over time.
@jdegoes In that case, MonadBracket should just contain bracket
for the time being?
@natefaubion Can you think of useful laws involving never
There's some trivial stuff:
bracket (pure a) (\_ _ -> aff) pure == (nonInterruptible aff) *> pure a
bracket never f g == never
bracket (pure a) (\_ _ -> never) pure == never
Not sure how useful it is?
I don't think those never
laws are very interesting. They would require nonInterruptible
anyway, since the acquisition effect can't be killed once it is initiated. So I think if we are going to add another member, nonInterruptible
is a more interesting candidate.
bracket a1 (const a2) pure = nonInterruptible (a1 >>= \a -> a2 a $> a)
I also think that nonInterruptible
works as a member because it has a default implementation in terms of bracket
That makes sense.
Are you sure the above law holds? What if body
is interrupted? I know it's just pure
but that doesn't mean it can't be interrupted.
I think it should be OK, but it would require more laws. If you kill something that is non-interruptible, the action is run, and the exception is deferred until it completes. So in that case, you'd end up with an exception at the end for that Fiber either way. I guess you could use never
then to say:
t <- fork (bracket a1 (const a2) never)
kill e t
join t
nonInterruptible (a1 >>= a2) *> throwError e
Since fork
is non-deterministic, unlike suspend, a1
must be initiated.
Thinking about this, I'm not sure we can say that fork >=> join
or suspend >=> join
are equivalent to id
in the presence of cancellation. That would require killing a join to kill the subject fiber, which I don't think is desirable behavior.
@natefaubion I think we can say fork >=> join
, because this says nothing about cancelation. If you literally have fork >=> join
in your code, you can always replace that with id
. If you do other stuff with the fiber, which means you don't have fork >=> join
, but rather something like do { fiber <- fork aff; kill error fiber; join fiber
, then all bets are off.
OK, that's fair. I was thinking of something similar to that where:
fork (fork aff >>= join) >>= kill e
Is not necessarily the same as:
fork aff >>= kill e
But this ascribes some sort of equivalence to the fork
, but the point of fork
is that it's non-deterministic.
-- Release
bracket a (const k) (const (pure unit))
= uninterruptible (a >>= k)
-- Release exception
bracket a (const k) (const (throwError e))
= uninterruptible (a >>= k *> throwError e)
-- Release kill
f <- fork (bracket a (const k) (const never))
kill e f
void $ try $ join f
= uninterruptible (a >>= k)
I used void <<< try
at the end because it's not necessarily the same as throwError
since the effect may have already completed.
With BracketConditions:
-- Release
bracket a k \_ -> pure r
= uninterruptible (a >>= k (Completed r))
-- Release exception
bracket a k \_ -> throwError e
= uninterruptible (a >>= k (Failed e) *> throwError e)
-- Release kill
fork (bracket a k \_ -> never) >>= \f -> kill e f *> void (try (join f))
= uninterruptible (a >>= k (Killed e))
has a fairly obvious law offork >=> join = id
, but I'm not sure what I'd state about the others.