purescript-react / purescript-react-basic-hooks

An implementation of React hooks on top of purescript-react-basic
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restrictions on hooks captured by indexed monads #42

Closed jamesdbrock closed 4 years ago

jamesdbrock commented 4 years ago

Indexed monads seem to be a useful tool for capturing the restrictions on hooks, like in purescript-react-basic-hooks.


working on a pure model for React hooks based on indexed monads, inspired by purescript-react-hooks.


The screenshot is fairly useless right now, but I'm going to polish this up and turn it into a blog post when I have something a bit more complete.


I sure wish I could find that blog post. I don't think it exists?

I had a conversation last week which I will paraphrase like this:

Me: Why does react-basic-hooks need indexed monads?

@robertdp : Because React needs certain operations to be called in a certain order, and the indexed Render monad enforces that ordering at the type level.

Which makes sense, and it also seems to be what Phil is describing on Twitter. But I would like to understand it better. Which React “restrictions on hooks”, exactly, are captured by Render?

robertdp commented 4 years ago

It's not exactly that React needs certain operations to be called in a certain order. It's more that React uses the order in which hooks are run as a way of tracking them, and associates internal React state with each hook. This means that if the order of hook evaluation changes in a component then the behaviour is undefined and likely highly unsafe (unless React provides some guarantees about this, but I don't think they do).

Render is just an indexed monad that represents Effects, but the restrictions are modelled by Hook:

type Hook (newHook :: Type -> Type) a
  = forall hooks. Render hooks (newHook hooks) a

Like Phil was using tuples to build up the sequence of hooks, react-basic-hooks uses newtypes and Render:

customHook :: forall hooks. Render hooks (UseEffect Number (UseMemo Boolean Int (UseState String hooks))) Unit
customHook = React.do
  _ <- React.useState "hi"
  _ <- React.useMemo false \_ -> 1
  React.useEffect 22.2 mempty
  pure unit
jamesdbrock commented 4 years ago

Thank you @robertdp .

Here's the reference to the rule which is enforced by the Hook type. This is why we need the indexed monad Render.


React relies on the order in which Hooks are called.

ensure that Hooks are called in the same order each time a component renders. That’s what allows React to correctly preserve the state of Hooks between multiple useState and useEffect calls.

megamaddu commented 4 years ago

Yep -- implementing React hooks with plain monads would still allow broken hook rules. Using indexed monads captures the same rules in the type system that eslint-plugin-react-hooks does in JS, except dependency list tracking.

jamesdbrock commented 4 years ago

And also, for those following along, react-basic-hooks recommends the “qualified-do” syntax because then we can write do blocks with the indexed monad Render.

