purescript / governance

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Define principles for when and where we mirror and diverge from Haskell #8

Open JordanMartinez opened 4 years ago

JordanMartinez commented 4 years ago

There are times decisions made in PS have been answered with "That's how they did it in Haskell, so we'll do that here, too." I think that's a good argument because Haskell got a lot of things right. However, I think it got some things wrong. Should we clarify when we will follow Haskell and when we will diverge?

natefaubion commented 4 years ago

I think that PureScript is at a stage where "that's how Haskell does it" cannot be a justification for anything on it's own. My observation is that most Haskellisms come from early library development, where it was more important to have quantity vs "quality". I don't mean to say anything is low quality, just that it's significantly less cognitive weight to crib an existing interface rather than bikeshed. Unfortunately, I think that left us with a lot of paper cut inconsistencies (null vs isEmpty, void, etc).