purpleposeidon / FactorizationLocalizations

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Add way to change vanilla names #11

Closed Adaptivity closed 11 years ago

Adaptivity commented 11 years ago

Just started working on Russian localization for this mod. But I need to change vanilla names which is using for Barrels types. Here's some pics: http://i.imgur.com/sJAwCs0.png http://i.imgur.com/0WqNODl.png http://i.imgur.com/bADmywX.png http://i.imgur.com/MgR7WX6.png and etc... I hope it's possible.

Vexatos commented 11 years ago

Isn't that included in vanilla russian? Or is it declined wrongly?

Adaptivity commented 11 years ago

Included. But for example: "Oak Wood" translates into Russian as "Дуб". If I translate Oak Wood Barrel I get this "Дуб баррель" but this TOTALLY wrong. I need "Дубовая баррель" or maybe "Баррель из дуба".

Vexatos commented 11 years ago

Okay, I agree. Should be added, as well as the "LARGER", "STICKY", "HOPPING" etc.

Vexatos commented 11 years ago

Is is necessary to add this, or, if not, are vanilla names used? Because German names work.