purplesyringa / zeronet-irc-listener

Just a quick and dirty IRC logger
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Log #1

Open purplesyringa opened 4 years ago

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

This is a discussion log of #zeronet:freenode.net. Most messages posted here (except from Ivanq) are created by others. Please don't report messages you don't like; communicate with me directly instead and I will remove them if they violate GitHub TOS.

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-14 05:31) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 05:41) psymin quit (2019-11-14 06:21) mikeman joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 06:21) mikeman parted #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-14 10:23) *ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 12:51) KiloLima quit (2019-11-14 12:51) Snuupy quit (2019-11-14 12:53) KiloLima joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 12:53) Snuupy joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 14:36) psymin joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 14:37) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 15:00) Ivanq quit (2019-11-14 15:31) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 15:57) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-14 15:58) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 16:20) filips123* joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 16:22) filips123: > So, while I hate Google I agree with them on that developers need a domain and .DEV is perfect for that. - Yes, developers need domain. For local testing! That's what Google stole. And what is the difference for developers in .dev and simple .com domain? (2019-11-14 16:23) filips123: > I know well that Tamas Kocsis is spying on everyone who uses ZeroNet - 1.) Prove this! 2) And with your special (centralized) hosting provider on Iceland you won't be able to do this? (2019-11-14 16:24) Ivanq: .dev Is BeAuTiFuL (2019-11-14 16:24) Ivanq: oh, did you see rrlola's issue? (2019-11-14 16:24) filips123: Yes, I already commented on it :) (2019-11-14 16:24) Ivanq: :) (2019-11-14 16:26) filips123: > some even recommended to the neo-Nazi DailyStormer to move to ZeroNet - Yes, this is problem of all decentralized networks! Most extremist groups will use some decentralized network to avoid being banned. This is not ZeroNet's fault. (2019-11-14 16:26) filips123: > censoring GitHub, copy code from closed pull request and merging it in his own name, violating more than 3 different licenses and infringes the copyrights of many people for years dont fucking tell me he is somebody, in my eyes he is just another capitalist shithead who advocates for fascism - Violating GitHub ToS, violating laws, spamming, (2019-11-14 16:26) filips123: trolling, death and other threats. And this what you did is good? (2019-11-14 16:27) filips123: > he did absolutely nothing positive using ZeroNet - No, of course he didn't wrote 80% of ZeroNet himself... (2019-11-14 16:28) filips123: > you can't run that ZeroNet which released by the nazis without JavaScript and you must stay locked into the FRAME (for security) - What? So you want every site to be without any frame so it will be able to access other site's data? And this is good for security? (2019-11-14 16:29) filips123: > I remind everyone that in the name of "security" Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan bombed now for more than 17 years nearly every day - Politics is not related to software. (2019-11-14 16:30) filips123: > if you contributed to ZeroNet please send an email to contributor⊙zw if you don't send email to this address the upcoming release of ZeroNet will not include your name! - Again, you can NOT do this! (2019-11-14 16:31) filips123: > I spend my own money to make sure you will have a node in a secure location - Explain your meaning of decentralized and centralized. Because hosting "decentralized" network on single "secure" location is certainly not decentralized. (2019-11-14 16:32) Ivanq: > he did absolutely nothing positive using ZeroNet -- tbh he probably meant "using", not "for" here (2019-11-14 16:45) filips123: Yes, but what execly would that mean? (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: Probably he meant that ZeroNet is useless (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: I mean... ZeroNet can be replaced by clearnet as long as you trust everyone (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: That's kinda a problem nowadays so yeah... (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: I'm wondering where he lives so that he doesn't know about these problems (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: I almost laughed on the "China has problems, Russia has problems, UK and US are fine" part (2019-11-14 16:51) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 16:53) krzysztof113: looks like antifa is from Slovenia (2019-11-14 16:55) filips123: Yes? (2019-11-14 16:57) Ivanq: krzysztof113 Just out of interest, how did you find what we were talking about? Do you use some logger? (2019-11-14 17:02) filips123: I will now need to go now, but I will keep IRC opened (2019-11-14 17:04) Ivanq: Bye (2019-11-14 17:05) krzysztof113: yes, I looked at you loger, wondering if it's still loosing messages (2019-11-14 17:07) Ivanq: Well, it goes offline for two minutes every hour or two hours so it might lose a few from a heated discussion (2019-11-14 17:35) krzysztof113 quit (2019-11-14 17:39) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 18:06) krzysztof113 quit (2019-11-14 18:11) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 18:34) Ivanq quit (2019-11-14 18:51) krzysztof113 quit (2019-11-14 19:02) alexandre9099_ joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 19:03) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-14 19:09) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 19:30) krzysztof113 quit (2019-11-14 20:41) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 20:42) reallll joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 20:44) belcher quit (2019-11-14 21:16) krzysztof113 quit (2019-11-14 22:10) filips123 quit (2019-11-14 22:13) alexandre9099_ quit (2019-11-14 22:16) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 22:23) alexandre9099_ joined #zeronet (2019-11-14 22:24) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-15 00:33) zeronet joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 00:36) zeronet: @imachug @filips123 the bitches sleeping now, PING PING GitHub :D (2019-11-15 00:42) zeronet: > (2019-11-14 16:47) Ivanq: I almost laughed on the "China has problems, Russia has problems, UK and US are fine" part (2019-11-15 00:43) zeronet: Yeah even Tamas Kocsis in his speech in New York on the TedShitTalk blamed China! @HelloZeroNet (2019-11-15 00:43) zeronet: It was like I listening to the U.S State Department or to the Pentagon (2019-11-15 00:44) zeronet: China, Chine, Russia, China, Russia, Russia, IRAN, China, Iran, Russia (2019-11-15 00:44) zeronet: All the time non-stop 24/7 (2019-11-15 00:45) zeronet: Propaganda shit and sad that Tamas Kocsis talks shit about China but not a single world left his fucking mouth about Hungary (2019-11-15 00:46) zeronet: He was a puppet in New York told to the audiance what they wanted to hear, China Russia bad bad USA cool because I don't need visa... Right @shortcutme? (2019-11-15 00:47) zeronet: Just because ZeroNet.io is blocked in China is not mean ZeroNet is censored there, I can proof that is not censored! I have nodes in China! So Tamas Kocsis is a neo-Nazi trash sucking up to Washington (2019-11-15 00:48) zeronet: ZeroNet.io is blocked in China not because they afraid of ZeroNet but because the website is hosted in the USA (2019-11-15 00:49) zeronet: I would also block it if a nazi shot talks bad about my country China while hosting the whole thing in the USA. (2019-11-15 00:49) zeronet: shit (2019-11-15 00:55) zeronet: Russia Russia Russia in US media, Here it goes: https://youtu.be/kgBxfHdb4OU?t=7 (2019-11-15 01:02) KiloLima quit (2019-11-15 01:11) jnagro quit (2019-11-15 01:11) johnhmay quit (2019-11-15 01:11) jnagro joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 01:13) johnhmay joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 01:21) zeronet: quit() (2019-11-15 01:21) zeronet parted #zeronet (2019-11-15 02:20) psymin quit (2019-11-15 03:43) KiloLima joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 06:29) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 06:37) alexandre9099_* quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-15 09:45) *ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 12:36) CrypToni* joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 12:36) CrypToni: Hi (2019-11-15 12:37) CrypToni: I can't play videos on ZeroNet (2019-11-15 12:37) CrypToni: :( (2019-11-15 12:37) CrypToni: when I try to play a video I get this (2019-11-15 12:37) CrypToni: Nov 15 12:26:37.000 [notice] Closing stream for '[scrubbed].onion': hidden service is unavailable (try again later).Nov 15 12:26:39.000 [warn] Fetching v2 rendezvous descriptor failed. Retrying at another directory. (2019-11-15 12:38) vivus joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 12:38) CrypToni: zeronet is running in both nodes in "Tor only" mode (2019-11-15 12:39) vivus quit (2019-11-15 12:39) CrypToni: I was trying to open an issue on GitHub but new users can't open issue aparently (2019-11-15 12:39) CrypToni: do anyone know how to fix this? (2019-11-15 12:40) CrypToni: hallooo (2019-11-15 12:41) CrypToni: :/ (2019-11-15 12:42) CrypToni: can I get help here or this channel is just for show? (2019-11-15 12:45) CrypToni: I also tried to get help on "ZeroTalk" but I can't register a ZeroID at all (2019-11-15 12:45) CrypToni: seems ZeroNet is limited or closed source (2019-11-15 12:46) CrypToni: maybe I just move to IPFS instead (2019-11-15 12:46) CrypToni: at least they helpful (2019-11-15 12:48) CrypToni: WikiPedia says that "ZeroNet is a decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users, created by Tamas Kocsis in 2015. Programming for the network is based in Budapest, Hungary" (2019-11-15 12:48) CrypToni: is that right? (2019-11-15 12:48) CrypToni: if peer-to-peer than why I can't load a single video? (2019-11-15 12:49) CrypToni: is some kind of restriction? (2019-11-15 12:49) CrypToni: what this mean that programming for the network is based in Budapest, Hungary? (2019-11-15 12:50) CrypToni: I was thinking ZeroNet is developed by many people (2019-11-15 12:50) CrypToni: is just one guy who owns this thing? (2019-11-15 12:50) CrypToni: IPFS at least not owned by anyone and is working with videos perfectly (2019-11-15 12:51) CrypToni: I don't like Hungary and Hungarians seems rude (2019-11-15 12:51) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 12:51) Ivanq: Hello (2019-11-15 12:51) CrypToni: Hi (2019-11-15 12:51) CrypToni: Can you help me? (2019-11-15 12:51) Ivanq: Sure, what do you need? (2019-11-15 12:51) CrypToni: I have a problem with loading videos in ZeroNet (2019-11-15 12:52) Ivanq: What is the problem? Is it slow, or doesn't the video show at all? (2019-11-15 12:52) CrypToni: I get a not found error (2019-11-15 12:52) Ivanq: What video gets this problem? (2019-11-15 12:53) CrypToni: ZeroNet is in "tor only mode" (2019-11-15 12:53) CrypToni: all video (2019-11-15 12:53) CrypToni: :( (2019-11-15 12:53) Ivanq: Are those videos on KopyKate? (2019-11-15 12:53) Ivanq: Or maybe are those from blogs? (2019-11-15 12:53) CrypToni: example (2019-11-15 12:53) Ivanq quit (2019-11-15 12:53) CrypToni: :O (2019-11-15 12:54) CrypToni: He just left :( (2019-11-15 12:54) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 12:54) Ivanq: There are quite a lot of sites that have video on ZeroNet (2019-11-15 12:54) Ivanq: There are quite a lot of sites that have video on ZeroNet (2019-11-15 12:54) CrypToni: I told you (2019-11-15 12:54) Ivanq: Sorry, my connection interrupted for a sec (2019-11-15 12:54) CrypToni: I running in tor only mode both the node which has the video and the node which should load the video (2019-11-15 12:54) Ivanq: Oh, so is it your own site? (2019-11-15 12:55) CrypToni: yes (2019-11-15 12:55) Ivanq: Do other pages load correctly? (2019-11-15 12:55) Ivanq: Like non-videos (2019-11-15 12:55) CrypToni: I don't know (2019-11-15 12:55) CrypToni: I never seen a video on ZeroNet (2019-11-15 12:55) Ivanq: I meant other pages of your site (2019-11-15 12:55) CrypToni: yes (2019-11-15 12:55) CrypToni: everything loads correctly (2019-11-15 12:56) CrypToni: I even increased the file size limit (2019-11-15 12:56) CrypToni: but starange (2019-11-15 12:56) Ivanq: Ok, I guess the problem is a misconfigured content.json (2019-11-15 12:56) CrypToni: the video 17Mb and asked me for 50Mb (2019-11-15 12:56) Ivanq: ZeroNet doesn't distribute big files well, so they must be marked in content.json to use another protocol (2019-11-15 12:57) CrypToni: :O (2019-11-15 12:57) Ivanq: It'd help if all your videos were in a single directory, or had the same extension (2019-11-15 12:57) Ivanq: You could then add "optional": "..mp4", to your content.json (2019-11-15 12:58) CrypToni: so is not working by default? (2019-11-15 12:58) Ivanq: This would make ZeroNet distribute mp4 files as optional big files, i.e. they are only loaded on demand and don't eat up resources (2019-11-15 12:59) Ivanq: Well, it depends on how you define "default". Files such as user avatars or videos are recommended to be made optional (2019-11-15 12:59) CrypToni: what you mean by optional? (2019-11-15 12:59) Ivanq: Basically, you should make all the big files optional. The problem is most likely that Tor network can't handle such a big file without interrupting (2019-11-15 12:59) Ivanq: CrypToni Optional files are the files that are only loaded on demand (2019-11-15 13:00) Ivanq: They aren't seeded by all peers, just by those who need it (2019-11-15 13:00) Ivanq: Also, big optional files use a better algorithm for distribution (2019-11-15 13:00) Ivanq: This allows files to be downloaded Torrent-like (2019-11-15 13:00) Ivanq: I.e. different parts can be downloaded by different users (2019-11-15 13:01) Ivanq: from different peers (2019-11-15 13:01) Ivanq: Sorry (2019-11-15 13:01) Ivanq: Also, in case the connection interrupts, you don't have to redownload the whole file (2019-11-15 13:01) CrypToni: "video/beating.mp4": { "sha512": "96783475d59b47261bac6f005a8e9994m45b9c68b8544005726860654e15ed94", "size": 17880080 } (2019-11-15 13:01) CrypToni: so is not working like this? :( (2019-11-15 13:02) Ivanq: You have to add the line I told you about to the end of content.json (2019-11-15 13:02) Ivanq: Brb in 3 minutes (2019-11-15 13:02) CrypToni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeC1bpGJhzk (2019-11-15 13:03) CrypToni: I wanted to share another video about the same incident (2019-11-15 13:03) CrypToni: if I can call it incident (2019-11-15 13:03) CrypToni: I think they are terrorists (2019-11-15 13:04) CrypToni: who beats a women with metal bars? ;( (2019-11-15 13:04) Ivanq71 joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 13:04) Ivanq71 quit (2019-11-15 13:05) Ivanq23 joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 13:06) Ivanq quit (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: This is the video I wish to distribute with ZeroNet (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2maFkK9rOE (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: take a look (2019-11-15 13:07) Ivanq23: Ok, I'm back (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: This is the video I wish to distribute with ZeroNet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2maFkK9rOE take a look (2019-11-15 13:07) Ivanq23: I'm busy, sorry (2019-11-15 13:07) CrypToni: 1 minute long (2019-11-15 13:08) CrypToni: brutal :'( (2019-11-15 13:08) Ivanq23: By the way, the reason why there aren't many helpful people here is that a) ZeroNet is relatively young b) from my opinion, ZeroNet is more user-friendly than developer-friendly so most people here aren't developers (2019-11-15 13:08) CrypToni: so you say if I add "optional": "..mp4" than it will load the video? (2019-11-15 13:09) Ivanq23: I think it should work. Make sure to get commas right and sign & publish content.json (2019-11-15 13:09) CrypToni: I will try @imachug ;) Thank you for your help! :P (2019-11-15 13:09) Ivanq23: Now (2019-11-15 13:10) Ivanq23: How did you find my username? (2019-11-15 13:10) CrypToni: :O (2019-11-15 13:10) Ivanq23: I have an idea but oh well (2019-11-15 13:10) CrypToni: I dream with you every day (2019-11-15 13:10) CrypToni: :D (2019-11-15 13:10) CrypToni: :') (2019-11-15 13:10) Ivanq23: At least you do something useful today (2019-11-15 13:10) CrypToni: :) I always do something useful trust me (2019-11-15 13:11) Ivanq23: Oh, sure (2019-11-15 13:11) Ivanq23: But... Please try to do less useless stuff every day (2019-11-15 13:11) CrypToni: X-P (2019-11-15 13:11) CrypToni: You was very fast (2019-11-15 13:11) CrypToni: looking the logs? :D (2019-11-15 13:12) Ivanq23: Well I noticed "updated 1 minute ago" (2019-11-15 13:12) CrypToni: :) (2019-11-15 13:12) Ivanq23: And then I noticed "IPFS" and thought that I'd better take action (2019-11-15 13:12) CrypToni: :D (2019-11-15 13:12) Ivanq23: Oh, btw (2019-11-15 13:12) CrypToni: You know (2019-11-15 13:13) Ivanq23: Can you check IPFS for license compatibilities please? (2019-11-15 13:13) CrypToni: it would be good if ZeroNet does this optional thing automatically (2019-11-15 13:13) CrypToni: You can check it to! (2019-11-15 13:13) CrypToni: https://github.com/nexB/scancode-toolkit (2019-11-15 13:14) CrypToni: @filips123 already forked it :D (2019-11-15 13:14) Ivanq23: Well, it makes sense. But I think you should still make those files optional because they can be pruned if there's little disk space (2019-11-15 13:14) Ivanq23: Lol (2019-11-15 13:14) Ivanq23: I'm on Android now so... (2019-11-15 13:15) CrypToni: 50GB is enough for one node for while... (2019-11-15 13:15) CrypToni: Each node has 50 - 100 GB (2019-11-15 13:15) Ivanq23: Well (2019-11-15 13:16) CrypToni: I test and will let you know if worked (2019-11-15 13:16) Ivanq23: That's for now, the number of videos might grow (2019-11-15 13:16) Ivanq23: Also, some people run ZeroNet from a flash drive (2019-11-15 13:16) Ivanq23: Sure (2019-11-15 13:16) CrypToni: my flash drive is 250 GB (2019-11-15 13:16) CrypToni: :D (2019-11-15 13:17) Ivanq23: :) (2019-11-15 13:31) Ivanq23 quit (2019-11-15 14:06) CrypToni: Android sucks :D Ping timeout: 265 seconds) (2019-11-15 14:14) CrypToni: In content.json under "optional" should be the mime type like "video/" and not the extension like ".mp4" (2019-11-15 14:14) CrypToni: just an idea (2019-11-15 14:19) CrypToni: - Sign error: JSONDecodeError: Invalid \escape: line 92 column 17 (char 3126) in main.py line 213 > ContentManager.py line 670 > SiteStorage.py line 327 > init.py line 296 > init.py line 348 > decoder.py line 337 > decoder.py line 353 (2019-11-15 14:29) CrypToni: now I got a valid json file but still can't sign it (2019-11-15 14:29) CrypToni: :( (2019-11-15 14:29) CrypToni: - Sign error: error: nothing to repeat at position 0 in main.py line 213 > ContentManager.py line 697 > ContentManager.py line 635 > SafeRe.py line 31 > re.py line 234 > re.py line 286 > sre_compile.py line 764 > sre_parse.py line 924 > sre_parse.py line 420 > sre_parse.py line 645 (2019-11-15 14:33) CrypToni: \".mp4\" also not works while the escape is correct (2019-11-15 14:39) CrypToni: "/?[0-9].mp4" =L (2019-11-15 14:40) CrypToni: 007-bond.mp4 :D (2019-11-15 14:46) CrypToni: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56967637/how-to-properly-escape-reserved-regex-characters-in-json (2019-11-15 14:47) CrypToni: "Rule 1": "www\.[a-z]{3,10}\.com" hmmmmm (2019-11-15 14:53) CrypToni: >.< (2019-11-15 15:11) psymin joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 15:18) CrypToni quit (2019-11-15 16:58) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 17:11) psymin quit (2019-11-15 17:12) Ivanq quit (2019-11-15 17:22) psymin joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 20:41) reallll joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 20:44) belcher quit (2019-11-15 20:58) KiloLima quit (2019-11-15 20:59) KiloLima joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 21:19) CrypToni joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 21:21) CrypToni: @imachug @rllola votes when she feels not when you demand (2019-11-15 21:21) CrypToni: how many times I need to say the voting is useless, shady and fraud? (2019-11-15 21:22) CrypToni: there is nothing you can do but replace the terminated license with GPLv3+ (2019-11-15 21:22) CrypToni: contributors have no rights to say anything in this because ZeroNet HAS NO LICENSE in this very moment (2019-11-15 21:23) CrypToni: regarding the video loading (2019-11-15 21:24) CrypToni: I think is nonsense to say that Tor preventing the download of a video from another node (2019-11-15 21:24) CrypToni: with tor you can watch youtube videos and they keep loading no matter what (2019-11-15 21:24) CrypToni: ZeroNet is a "child" in video handling (2019-11-15 21:27) CrypToni: I wanted to ask, do you need permission to my GitLab instance? Registrations are closed so I manually giving accounts to some contributors who willing to develop ZeroNet in a decentralized fashion (2019-11-15 21:27) CrypToni: your ZeroTalk is a shit (2019-11-15 21:27) CrypToni: not possible to register so called "ZeroID" so it is useless (2019-11-15 21:28) CrypToni: ZeroTalk should NOT require anyone to sign up a "semi decentralized" service which is subject to censorship and abuse (2019-11-15 21:29) CrypToni: I dont have a ZeroID because not possible to get one but even if I have one I would be subject of censorship since either the admin on ZeroTalk or the owner censors the post or the owner of ZeroID revoke or ban my handle. (2019-11-15 21:34) CrypToni quit (2019-11-15 21:37) CrypToni joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 21:38) CrypToni: @imachug do you know Reddit? Reddit is better than ZeroTalk because Reddit doesn't require to sign up to some third party service (2019-11-15 21:40) CrypToni: ZeroID is subject to abuse and censorship and we both know I'm right. Again, as I said there is no way to sign up to ZeroID at all because "it is full" as the error message saying. (2019-11-15 21:41) CrypToni quit (2019-11-15 21:42) CrypToni joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 21:42) CrypToni: Sorry my killswitch triggered (2019-11-15 21:43) CrypToni: I think ZeroNet can't grow (2019-11-15 21:43) CrypToni: ZeroNet is for that matter is a dead end project (2019-11-15 21:44) CrypToni: centralized development, abuse, censorship, not giving credit to contributors, violating copyright and licenses for years and even after notice the violation is still ongoing (2019-11-15 21:44) CrypToni: shady misleading voting where you lie to all previous contributors (2019-11-15 21:44) CrypToni: etc (2019-11-15 21:44) CrypToni: not looking good (2019-11-15 21:45) CrypToni: not to mention the so much zeroshit which is bundled into the ZeroNet core (2019-11-15 21:45) CrypToni: and ZeroNet not working if you remove any plugin which added by third parties or remove the sites which automatically downloaded (2019-11-15 21:46) CrypToni: meaning ZeroNet is useless if you remove anything which added by the Hungarian shithead in Budapest (2019-11-15 21:46) CrypToni: don't you think is shameful? (2019-11-15 21:46) CrypToni: I think in this sense IPFS is better (2019-11-15 21:47) CrypToni: IPFS not forcing anyone to download anything unnecessary as ZeroNet does (2019-11-15 21:48) CrypToni: for example, my sites are less than 1mb and when I see the statistics I see a network traffic more than 5Mb/day and all is related to HelloZero and ZeroName (2019-11-15 21:50) CrypToni: in other words Tamas Kocsis using ZeroNet users to spread his trash and with this generating network traffic, more network traffic than the owned site ever generates. So basically need to block HelloZero and ZeroName in order to save bandwidth! (2019-11-15 21:51) CrypToni: not to mention if a node not using Tor but using HelloZero than Tamas Kocsis can know exactly which nodes serving his sites just as we can know which nodes serving ours. This is a huge privacy concern. (2019-11-15 21:53) CrypToni: My recommendation is to provide ZeroNet core without any unnecessary plugin or sites! ZeroNet core should be stripped down to the minimum which users need to run the application! (2019-11-15 21:54) psymin quit (2019-11-15 21:55) CrypToni: not to mention that HelloZero and all the other trash which is not requested by the user to download is licensed under GPLv2! Meaning that they are also lost they licenses not only the core! (2019-11-15 21:56) CrypToni: ZeroNet hid a dead end far as I can tell and I see no move to fix this. (2019-11-15 21:57) CrypToni: Nobody did anything to fix the license soon as they become aware of the issue and now I reported again that there is way more licensing issues than you may think! (2019-11-15 21:58) CrypToni: Soon as anyone become aware of the license violation he or she is REQUIRED URGENTLY TO REPLACE THE LICENSE! (2019-11-15 21:58) CrypToni: All distribution of ZeroNet under the wrong license MUST BE STOPPED! (2019-11-15 21:59) CrypToni: A normal project and intelligent people would understand this but far as I can tell ZeroNet is run by a neo-Nazi in Budapest who don't give a shit about how many peoples copyright are stolen or how many licenses he violates. (2019-11-15 22:00) psymin joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 22:00) CrypToni: I creating a private GitLab instance (2019-11-15 22:01) CrypToni: I also renaming the software and distribute it under GPLv3+ you like it or not (2019-11-15 22:01) CrypToni: the README.md file will not include any Bitcoin address connected to Tamas Kocsis or to any hungarian fascists (2019-11-15 22:02) CrypToni: I will collect donations for myself on that readme.md (2019-11-15 22:03) CrypToni: I call all developers to replace the GPLv2 with GPLv3+ license IMMEDIATELY or STOP DISTRIBUTING ZERONET! (2019-11-15 22:03) CrypToni: zeronet.website is only in a few hours (2019-11-15 22:03) CrypToni: online (2019-11-15 22:04) CrypToni: https://zeronet.website will be hosting a GitLab instance where registrations are not allowed and also will host a documentation and information related to ZeroNet (2019-11-15 22:05) CrypToni: the node will be shutdown and the domain will be DELETED soon as we are ready for switching to other name and abandon the use of the name "ZeroNet" (2019-11-15 22:06) CrypToni: Yesterday someone contacted me and offered help to develop a totally different software based on ZeroNet namely because @imachug tried to claim proprietary rights (2019-11-15 22:07) CrypToni: so you helped me @imachug, at least in finding other developers who do understand what I'm saying (2019-11-15 22:08) CrypToni: before you say that I stolen ZeroNet source code you must fix the license, and learn what it means to release a software under GPL (2019-11-15 22:09) CrypToni: I d have rights to change, edit, even to SELL a derivative and I legally obligated to do under a GPLv3+ license (2019-11-15 22:11) CrypToni: You can already write to 1984@1984.is and ask them to take down my node where I hosting the GitLab instance but I can tell you I'm a customer there and I know them personally. They will never take down anything and never give a single personal information to anybody. (2019-11-15 22:11) CrypToni: 1984 is a company which is helped WikiLeaks in 2009 and 2010 and some people who works there was a member of Sunshine Press (WikiLeaks) (2019-11-15 22:12) CrypToni: They will never take down my GitLab instance no matter how you harassing them like you do with me on GitHub just because I do know what is a GPL licensed software (2019-11-15 22:14) CrypToni: Not to mention they don't even have my name, address or anything but my email addres (2019-11-15 22:14) CrypToni: :D (2019-11-15 22:15) CrypToni: 1984 doesn't require any personal information from costumer but an email address and you can use Bitcoin to pay for they services (2019-11-15 22:15) CrypToni: they also providing FREE DNS! If you are interested. ;) (2019-11-15 22:15) CrypToni: customers (2019-11-15 22:16) CrypToni: I can and I will destroy Tamas Kocsis if I'm forced to do so! Right now I'm working on it! Be aware of that! (2019-11-15 22:17) CrypToni: I'm thankful for your contributions @imachug you are a great developer but you are crazy and onsessed with GitHub and the Hungarian shitheads in Budapest (2019-11-15 22:19) CrypToni: Tamas Kocsis is a neo-Nazi and I and others in AnonOps working against Hungary (2019-11-15 22:19) CrypToni: I'm a member of AnonOps (2019-11-15 22:28) CrypToni: Which Side Are You On? (2019-11-15 22:28) CrypToni: Which Side Are You On? (2019-11-15 22:28) CrypToni: Which Side Are You On? (2019-11-15 22:28) CrypToni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSZWslqjfPE (2019-11-15 22:28) CrypToni: (y) :] <3 (2019-11-15 22:29) psymin quit (2019-11-15 22:45) CrypToni quit (2019-11-15 23:12) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-15 23:14) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 23:16) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-15 23:18) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 23:41) CrypToni joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 23:42) psymin joined #zeronet (2019-11-15 23:42) CrypToni: I found multiple problems in ZeroNet again (2019-11-15 23:44) CrypToni: when new sites created ZeroNet ads the "_ZeoNet" string to the new sites title, Tamas Kocsis WITHOUT ASKING anybody recently introduced the master_seed True for everyone which is very worrying, content.json now has a new address_index as well, I notified @imachug that the content.json also exposes the ZeroNet version (2019-11-15 23:45) CrypToni: also timestamp is in UNIX which is a disgrace and is not working in milliseconds like most chat applications (2019-11-15 23:46) CrypToni: ZeroNet by default also adding a favicon.ico for sites (Tamas Kocsis's favicon) (2019-11-15 23:47) CrypToni: there is multiple problems with the frame and sandboxing (2019-11-15 23:48) CrypToni: also as I told over a hundred times over the past two week ZeroNet license is terminated and distributing it is a CRIME in most countries! If you distribute ZeroNet with a GPLv2 license you in some places facing even JAIL! (2019-11-15 23:52) CrypToni: Tamas Kocsis and the Hungarian neo-Nazis forcing on you something what you don't need! They shipping plugins, sites, images (with EXIF data embedded) to track you! They also refuse to fix the license because Tamas Kocsis and his Hungarian Nazi brigade try to keep ZeroNet under control which is impossible under GPL, they also trying in this very (2019-11-15 23:52) CrypToni:** momment to get rid of a large part of ZeroNet to keep it under control. I URGE YOU TO USE A GPLv3+ license in your copy of ZeroNet or you facing very serious legal issues which may can result in imprisonment! You are not allowed to distribute ZeroNet under GPLv2!

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 12:07) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 12:10) Ivanq joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 12:15) *ZeroNetCrawler* joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 12:16) Ivanq:** I've fixed something, I hope the bot becomes more responsible (2019-11-16 12:17) Ivanq quit (2019-11-16 12:22) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 12:26) Ivanq quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 14:11) *ZeroNetCrawler* joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 14:39) KiloLima:** CrypToni comes back, msg me.

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 16:16) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 17:35) psymin joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 18:19) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 19:12) Ivanq joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 19:21) *ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 20:47) Ivanq quit (2019-11-16 21:39) CrypToni* joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 21:39) CrypToni: @imachug (2019-11-16 21:39) KiloLima: hes bacj (2019-11-16 21:39) CrypToni: I got a message from the Free Software Foundation (Compliance team) they said they contacted GitHub! Expect the repository taken down! (2019-11-16 21:40) KiloLima: wanted to talk about anonops (2019-11-16 21:40) KiloLima: pm (2019-11-16 21:40) CrypToni: We can talk publicly (2019-11-16 21:40) CrypToni: no worry (2019-11-16 21:40) CrypToni: what you want to know? (2019-11-16 21:41) CrypToni: okay write me in PM (2019-11-16 21:41) CrypToni:** @imachug the HelloZeroNet repository going to be taken down! This is what the Free Software Foundation said! FSF compliance team contacted GitHub!

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-16 22:05) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-16 22:07) CrypToni parted #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 04:24) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 04:33) KiloLima quit (2019-11-17 04:33) psymin quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 05:26) *ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 06:29) Ivanq* joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 06:29) Ivanq: CrypTony Great, we're waiting for a DCMA takedownnotice! (2019-11-17 06:29) Ivanq: takedown notice (2019-11-17 07:56) Ivanq quit (2019-11-17 08:20) belcher joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 08:59) Ivanq* joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 10:02) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 10:15) Ivanq quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 12:07) *ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 12:49) Ivanq joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 13:40) Ivanq quit (2019-11-17 14:55) belcher quit (2019-11-17 15:58) jamesjames joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 16:29) Ivanq* joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 16:29) Ivanq:** CrypToni aka zeronet aka whatever: what code did I copy?

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 16:47) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 17:22) KiloLima joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 18:52) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 19:04) belcher joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 19:51) filips123 joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 19:54) *ZeroNetCrawler* joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 19:55) krixano: Hello! (2019-11-17 20:14) KiloLima:** hi (2019-11-17 20:18) filips123 joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 20:29) jamesjames parted #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 20:56) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 21:19) lxpz quit (2019-11-17 21:40) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 21:50) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 21:59) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 22:16) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 22:22) lxpz quit (2019-11-17 22:28) filips123 quit (2019-11-17 22:43) krzysztof113 joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 22:45) krzysztof113 quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-17 23:01) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-17 23:16) krixano quit (2019-11-18 00:26) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 00:35) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-18 02:09) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 02:29) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 02:42) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-18 03:11) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 03:29) belcher quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-18 06:36) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 07:21) belcher joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-18 09:44) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 09:49) specimen1337 joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 10:16) minhoryang quit (2019-11-18 10:27) ZaZ joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-18 14:56) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-18 15:09) psymin quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 17:41) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 17:48) caskd-dev joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 17:53) caskd quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 18:45) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 19:58) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 20:12) alexandre9099_ joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 20:12) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-21 20:29) wreo quit (2019-11-21 20:31) wreo joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 20:31) ZaZ quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 21:01) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-21 21:42) KiloLima quit (2019-11-21 21:42) KiloLima joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 22:04) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-21 23:07) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 00:05) psymin quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 00:08) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 01:04) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 01:16) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 01:37) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 01:57) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 02:12) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 02:16) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 02:43) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 02:52) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 03:12) lxpz joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 03:18) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 03:22) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 03:26) reallll joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 03:30) belcher quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 04:19) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 04:38) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 04:53) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 05:10) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 05:15) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 05:21) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 05:43) lxpz joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 06:23) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 07:04) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 07:13) lxpz joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 07:27) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 07:29) lxpz quit (2019-11-22 07:38) lxpz joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 07:56) lxpz quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago


purplesyringa commented 4 years ago


purplesyringa commented 4 years ago


purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 14:57) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 15:59) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 18:03) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 18:06) alexandre9099 quit (2019-11-22 18:09) alexandre9099 joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 19:07) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 20:08) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 21:11) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-22 21:55) psymin quit

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-22 23:20) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-23 00:24) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet

purplesyringa commented 4 years ago

(2019-11-23 02:32) ZeroNetCrawler joined #zeronet (2019-11-23 03:26) reallll joined #zeronet (2019-11-23 03:29) belcher quit