purtuga / SPWidgets

Sharepoint Custom UI Widgets
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widget does not load when running from sp online root site #27

Closed gjohncock closed 9 years ago

gjohncock commented 10 years ago

Hi Paul,

We have been using your SPControlUpload widget which works fine in our Sharepoint Online test subsite but is not working in main sites. The problem seems to be when the sharepoint site is the main site (ie: oursubdomain.sharepoint.com).

It works fine in a sub site (ie: oursubdomain.sharepoint.com/subsite).

The problem is that the widget appears but continues to show “working on it” (and doesnt get to the part where you can select a file).

The developer tools in IE 11 shows the following – from line 3016 in jquery-1.11.1.js:

contents: function( elem ) { return jQuery.nodeName( elem, “iframe” ) ? elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document : jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes ); } MESSAGE IN RED: ACCESS IS DENIED

Firefox/Firebug doesnt display any errors at all.

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

I am using version 2.3 of spcontrolupload and jquery.SPServices-2014.01.js for SP Services.


Greg J

purtuga commented 10 years ago

Hi Greg... Thanks for posting back here... and sorry to hear about the trouble... I have a feeling the issue is in calculating the "current web" url...

Could you grab the output of this SPServices utility:


I have a feeling the ouput will be "/", and that I'm appending to it the path to the upload file... essentially becoming "//path/to/upload.aspx"... but I'm hoping you can validate....

In the lastest (not yet released) version, I actually broke the dependency on SPServices in order to keep the code base to a minimum... I'm checking that code now to see if it has the same issue...


gjohncock commented 10 years ago

Hi Paul,

Thank you for your prompt response, here is the information you are after:

Output from upload control on a root site SPGetCurrentSite: /

Output from upload control on a subsite SPGetCurrentSite: /demo-cloud-server

purtuga commented 10 years ago

Thanks Confirming. That is the problem here as I suspected it.

As a workaround, define the 'webURL' parameter on your SPControlUpload call to the full URL of the root site (ex: http://yoursite.sharepoint.com/) and that should address the issue.

Also, if you have time, could you try the latest version to see if it fixes the problem? You can download from here under the plugin folder:




Paul T.

-- Sent from Mobile

gjohncock commented 10 years ago

Hi Paul,

I downloaded the latest file from the plugin folder and it now works.

Thanks again for your prompt attention to this.


Greg Johncock

purtuga commented 10 years ago

Awsome. Glad to hear that. Sorry for the trouble.

Paul T.

-- Sent from Mobile

gjohncock commented 10 years ago

hey thats no problem at all, its great to see you support your controls so promptly. Great component too by the way.