puruagarwal1 / python_dir

accepted in hacktoberfest 2023
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Added Palindrome Checker, GCD Calculator, Prime Checker #197

Open selcia25 opened 8 months ago

selcia25 commented 8 months ago

In this pull request, I've made several additions to the project. I've added three Python scripts: gcdCalculator.py, palindromeChecker.py, and primeNumberChecker.py.


This script calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two positive integers. It can be used to find the largest number that divides both input integers. The GCD is a fundamental mathematical concept and is often needed in various computational and mathematical applications.


This script checks whether a given string or number is a palindrome. A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same forwards and backward. Palindrome checking is a common task in programming and can be used in applications related to text processing and data validation.


This script determines if a given positive integer is a prime number. Prime numbers have important applications in various fields, including cryptography and number theory. The ability to quickly check for prime numbers is valuable in a wide range of mathematical and computational problems.

Why These Changes Are Necessary:

These additions enhance the functionality of the project by providing three commonly used algorithms and utilities. They can be valuable to developers and users who may need to perform tasks related to number theory, text processing, and mathematical calculations.

The GCD calculator provides a quick and efficient way to find the GCD of two numbers, which is essential in many mathematical computations.

The palindrome checker adds a tool for verifying palindromes in text and numbers, which can be useful in various data validation tasks.

The prime number checker offers a means to identify prime numbers, a fundamental concept with broad applications in mathematics and computer science.

These additions contribute to the versatility and utility of the project, making it a more comprehensive resource for developers and users.

Thank you for considering these changes, and I look forward to your feedback and the opportunity to contribute to the project's growth.