purxiz / deckollab

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card list importer #12

Open purxiz opened 4 years ago

purxiz commented 4 years ago

Create a script that will import some a list of cards with the following format:

  <cardname>: {
    //card properties that don't change between printings:
    printings: {
      <uuid>: {
        //complete card object from allprintings.json for the card with uuid = <uuid>
     //if exists side_b: 
       side_b: {
        //Whatever data exists for side_b, hopefully a complete card object
      <uuid2>: {
        //another complete card object from allprintings, for a different printing of <cardname>
  <cardname2>: {
      //another card with it's own unique printings, same schema as above
    //every other card in magic

list of properties that don't change between printings:

asciiName, colorIdentity, colorIndicator, colors, convertedManaCost, side_b_cmc, layout, leadershipSkills, legalities, loyalty, manaCost, name, power, printings, rulings, side, subtypes, supertypes, text, toughness, type, types