purxiz / deckollab

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Suggest Cards #3

Open purxiz opened 4 years ago

purxiz commented 4 years ago

Users should be able to shift + click cards in the left pane to add them to a suggestions list. Add a dropdown to the bottom of the page that allows users to select between viewing the deck, and viewing suggestions. On the suggestions view, the sorts should still work, and users should be able to click suggested cards to add them. If multiple users suggest the same card, it should increment a counter for that card, and display it in a pleasant light blue to the left of the card name.

Users should also be able to click on a card in the deck_view to open a popup box. One of the options on that box should be to suggest a cut. In that case, the card should be given a light red background in the deck_view, and a counter should be incremented to count the number of suggested cuts.

Note: A user should only be able to suggest a cut once. I'm not sure how to prevent the type of abuse where someone suggests a cut, refreshes to get a new websocket, and suggests it again to increment the counter in a huge way.