push-protocol / push-dapp

The Push Protocol Dapp
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Create a URL for dashboard page and update sidebar menu #1600

Closed rohitmalhotra1420 closed 3 weeks ago

rohitmalhotra1420 commented 1 month ago


For developing the new dashboard page first we need a url to render the associated components with this feature and a way to access that page on the new url. So here's the features we will be adding in this ticket to get started with the new dashboard page.

  1. Create a new route called /welcome in the codebase.
  2. Create a new dashboard module in the src folder which has all the required files and sub-folder. Please use the new documentation for folder structure: https://www.notion.so/pushprotocol/Frontend-dApp-Guidelines-1d7806ae3d9e4569a340b563dcd0536c
  3. It should expose a Dashboard.tsx component which will be added as a route component in MasterInterfacePage.tsx.
  4. Update the sidebar component and add a Dashboard menu item, clicking on which should take us to the /welcome route.

NOTE: Let's merge the PR's in dashboardV1 branch.

Figma designs: https://www.figma.com/design/FvJL0JWHlsVohsHTERB1Lh/Push-Design-Foundations-[Future]?node-id=1871-1873&t=BCcAwX914iTc7Lam-0