push-protocol / push-dapp

The Push Protocol Dapp
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👾 [Other] - Alpha Access Pass NFT Claim Page Edit #1614

Closed 0x12zee closed 3 weeks ago

0x12zee commented 3 weeks ago


Page: https://app.push.org/claim/galxe?utm_source=google&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=alpha_nft_chat

Changes to be made:

  1. Title: Claim your Push Alpha Pass NFT Reward
  2. Remove the Decentralize.. text on the right side. Just need the NFT Image.

Dapp Env

Prod (app.push.org)

0x12zee commented 3 weeks ago

Added change here: https://www.figma.com/design/PzAmXUMOmwS2ljxufwv44m/PUSH-Prototypes-%5BCurrent%5D?node-id=23760-35537&t=icmMqbtUVCWrwCAQ-1