push-protocol / push-dapp

The Push Protocol Dapp
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Update Rewards Dashboard flow #1699

Closed corlard3y closed 5 days ago

corlard3y commented 1 week ago

Pull Request Template



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Frontend Guidelines

Build & Testing

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Review & Approvals


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

In File: src/contexts/AppContext.tsx:

  1. There are missing closing brackets for the useState hooks for 'connectedPeerID' and 'blockedLoading'.
  2. There is a missing closing curly brace for the useSelector function.
  3. There is a missing closing curly brace for the 'connectWallet' function.
  4. The 'retrieveUserPGPKeyFromStorage' function is missing a closing curly brace for the if statement.
  5. The 'isPGPKey' function is missing a closing curly brace for the if statement.
  6. The 'handleConnectWallet' function is missing a closing curly brace for the if statement.
  7. The 'getUser' function is defined but not implemented.

In File: src/modules/rewards/Rewards.tsx:

  1. The 'useState' hook for 'isUserProfileUnlocked' is used incorrectly. It should be either 'useState' or 'useContext(AppContext)'.
  2. There are missing implementation details for some functions like 'handleUser'.
  3. There is a typo in the useEffect dependency array as 'status == 'success'' which should be 'status === 'success''.
  4. There are some formatting issues with the Button component.

In File: src/modules/rewards/components/ActivityStatusButton.tsx:

  1. The closing brace for the ActivityStatusButton component is missing.

In File: src/modules/rewards/components/DashboardSection.tsx:

  1. There is a missing closing brace for the Box component.
  2. There is a missing closing brace for the DashboardSection component.

In File: src/modules/rewards/components/ReferralSection.tsx:

  1. The file is empty, and the content needs to be added.

In File: src/modules/rewards/hooks/useGenerateUserId.tsx:

  1. The file is empty, and the content needs to be added.

In File: src/primaries/Profile.tsx:

  1. The file is not specified in the content provided, so it is unclear what needs to be reviewed.

In File: src/types/context.ts:

  1. The file is not specified in the content provided, so it is unclear what needs to be reviewed.

Overall, these are the identified issues and areas for improvement in the provided files.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

PR Preview Action v1.4.7 :---: Preview removed because the pull request was closed. 2024-07-10 06:00 UTC

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

All looks good.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

I have reviewed the code in the specified files. Here are the identified issues:

  1. In 'UnlockProfile.tsx':

    • Typo in 'Internal Compoonents' should be 'Internal Components'.
    • 'INTERFACE' keyword is missing before the 'type UnlockProfileModalProps'.
    • 'useDeviceWidthCheck' should be 'useDeviceWidthCheck()' in the 'const isMobile' assignment.
    • 'handleRememberMeChange' function is missing closing bracket '}'.
    • 'missing "type" in props declaration inside the RenderToolTip component.'
    • 'tooltipContent' is not closed properly in the RenderToolTip component.
    • In the RenderToolTip component, the tooltipContent text is not enclosed in quotes.
    • 'SkeletonContainer' component is defined but not used.
    • 'CustomCheckbox' component should have lineHeight attribute enclosed in quotes.
    • The 'RenderToolTip' component is missing the return statement within its function.
  2. In 'UnlockProfileWrapper.tsx':

    • 'unlockProfileWrapper' component is missing 'className' props in the return statement.
  3. In 'ActivityButton.tsx':

    • 'if' block missing closing bracket '}' before the final 'return' statement.

Overall, these issues need to be rectified to ensure the proper functionality and readability of the code.

Please make the necessary corrections and ensure all components are functioning correctly. Let me know if you need further assistance.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

I have reviewed the provided code, and everything looks good.