pushandplay / cordova-plugin-apprate

This plugin provide the "rate this app" functionality into your Cordova/Phonegap application
Apache License 2.0
300 stars 190 forks source link

Remind Me Later option #305

Closed richardshergold closed 3 years ago

richardshergold commented 3 years ago

I have just installed this plugin in my Ionic 5 (Angular) project and started to have a play.

Firstly when I uninstall the app and re-install it should it not reset it's counter (which controls whether or not the user received a prompt?). I just re-installed the app and when I called the prompt, I saw this in the console:

NativeStorage setItem NativeStorage1311180458 ["options": [counter, {"applicationVersion":"3.2.3","countdown":6}]]

Then when I hit the "Remind Me Later" button I saw this:

NativeStorage setItem NativeStorage1311180459 ["options": [counter, {"applicationVersion":"3.2.3","countdown":0}]]

I was expecting that to set the original value (NativeStorage1311180458) back to zero, not a different item - as I was assuming the Remind Me Later option would reset the count and prevent the user being constantly asked for a rating.

Am I misunderstanding how this feature is supposed to be used - do I need to programatically decide when the user is next asked for the Prompt or should it be automatic?

richardshergold commented 3 years ago

Was doing it wrong! Ignore