pushandplay / cordova-plugin-apprate

This plugin provide the "rate this app" functionality into your Cordova/Phonegap application
Apache License 2.0
299 stars 193 forks source link

usesUntilPrompt not showing each 3rd time in AppRate Plugin #322

Open VishnuV02 opened 2 years ago

VishnuV02 commented 2 years ago

In my ionic application, i gave usesUntilPrompt as 2, so it needs to be shown each and every 3rd attempt. Android it is working fine. But in iOS, alert is showing only once, after that nothing happening. Please help on this. Below is the code for reference,

ratingCompnd() { this.appRate.preferences = { // openStoreInApp: false, displayAppName: this.translate.instant('RATING.01'), usesUntilPrompt: 2, promptAgainForEachNewVersion: true, storeAppURL: { ios: "itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id671696873", android: 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.io.Myapp' }, customLocale: { title: 'Thanks for being our \n Customer', message: 'Kindly rate us in AppStore', cancelButtonLabel: 'Cancel', laterButtonLabel: 'Remind me later', rateButtonLabel: "Rate Now' // yesButtonLabel: "Yes!", // noButtonLabel: "Not really", // appRatePromptTitle: 'Do you like using %@', // feedbackPromptTitle: 'Mind giving us some feedback?', }, simpleMode: true, useCustomRateDialog: true, callbacks: { onRateDialogShow: function (callback) { console.log('rate dialog shown! : ' + callback); // alert("rate dialog shown! : " + callback) }, onButtonClicked: function (buttonIndex) { console.log('Selected index: -> ' + buttonIndex); // alert("Selected index: -> " + buttonIndex) }, handleNegativeFeedback: function (data) { console.log('negative feedback : -> ' + data); // this.CONSTANTS.RATING_COUNT_RESET = data; // alert("Negative feedback: -> " + data) } } }

// Opens the rating immediately no matter what preferences you set

if (this.appRate.preferences) {
  alert("* App Rate reset *" + this.appRate.preferences)
   //this.appRate.preferences.usesUntilPrompt -= 1

