pushandplay / cordova-plugin-apprate

This plugin provide the "rate this app" functionality into your Cordova/Phonegap application
Apache License 2.0
300 stars 190 forks source link

Compiling targetSDK=34, com.google.android.play:core #332

Open graphefruit opened 2 weeks ago

graphefruit commented 2 weeks ago

Hey there, I've just published a new release of my app, and updated to targetSDK 34, and got following information of android:

If your app is targeting SDK 34+ (targetSdkVersion), then the PlayCore SDK is outdated and will likely cause crashes in your app! Please update: https://developer.android.com/guide/playcore#playcore-migration

Is there any plans to upgrade to the kotlin libraries?

brunochikuji commented 1 week ago

Hi, I also need this adjustment.

Google Play is requesting migration when sending a new version of the app

xavierserrai commented 4 days ago


Is there any planned update on this issue?


ryaa commented 2 days ago

This PR https://github.com/pushandplay/cordova-plugin-apprate/pull/334 should resolve the issue. Can someone test it by installing the updated plugin from my fork repo branch by issuing the below command (note that I used the below to install it in my capacitor based app, so you may need to install it differently) npm install ryaa/cordova-plugin-apprate#chore/migration-from-play-core-sdk

xavierserrai commented 2 days ago

I have installed it into a cordova app with the following command:

cordova plugin add git@github.com:ryaa/cordova-plugin-apprate.git

Builds and runs properly. However I cannot test the InAppReviewService popup as I am missing an internal app sharing environment.

ryaa commented 2 days ago

However I cannot test the InAppReviewService popup as I am missing an internal app sharing environment.

Can you open the android project in Android Studio, build and install from it to test? I think that it should work....

xavierserrai commented 2 days ago

I have launched it from Android Studio. I launch the rate plugin and the following popups appear:

1.- Do you like using xxx app? - > Click yes 2.- Enjoying xxx app? (three buttons) -> Click Rate it now 3.- No more popups appear 4.- Logcat logs:

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] ReviewService : requestInAppReview (app name)

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] ReviewService : Initiate binding to the service.

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] ReviewService : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.inappreviewservice.InAppReviewService})

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] ReviewService : linkToDeath

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] OnRequestInstallCallback : onGetLaunchReviewFlowInfo

I  UID: [10287]  PID: [24285] ReviewService : Unbind from service.

However, having googled a bit seems that to test it properly and see the rate popup you need to upload the app to an internal testing environment or internal app sharing.



ryaa commented 2 days ago

However, having googled a bit seems that to test it properly and see the rate popup you need to upload the app to an internal testing environment or internal app sharing.

I can test the plugin by installing the app from Android Studio, but, I'm the internal tester in my app on the google play.