pusher / NWWebSocket

A WebSocket client written in Swift, using the Network framework from Apple.
MIT License
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Adding auth in socket request #51

Open nandarosyadi opened 5 months ago

nandarosyadi commented 5 months ago

Server need to receive auth token from client, so it needs to send the auth. Is there any ways to add auth in socket request? Thank you

ajinumoto commented 5 months ago

Have you try sending auth token data right after your socket connection was open?

nandarosyadi commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the quick response. Server request to send the auth when starting connection, so it need to send when the connect() method called. Is there any way to do that in current version?

ajinumoto commented 5 months ago

If your token on header and sent during handshake you can try add your token in options during initialization NWWebSocket(url: socketURL, options: options) where options.setAdditionalHeaders([("header_key","your_token")])

ajinumoto commented 5 months ago
let options = NWWebSocket.defaultOptions
NWWebSocket(url: socketURL, options: options)
nandarosyadi commented 5 months ago

Hey @ajinumoto, thanks for the help. Now, I can send my auth but the socket is not connected yet. It's not called the delegate method, so what's wrong here?

Here is my code

    func connectSocket() {
        guard let accessJWT: String = UserDefaultManager.getUserDefault(key: .userData_AccessJWT) else {
            self.delegate.socketDidError(message: "Token socket not found")

        self.socketManager?.delegate = self

        let socketOption = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options()
        socketOption.setAdditionalHeaders([("token", accessJWT)])

        self.socketManager = NWWebSocket(url: self.socketURL, 
                                         connectAutomatically: true,
                                         options: socketOption,
                                         connectionQueue: .main)

        self.socketManager?.ping(interval: 15)

        func webSocketDidConnect(connection: WebSocketConnection) {
        print("Socket: Connected")

        self.socketManager?.ping(interval: 15)

    func webSocketDidDisconnect(connection: WebSocketConnection,
                                closeCode: NWProtocolWebSocket.CloseCode, reason: Data?) {
        print("Socket: Disconnected")


    func webSocketDidConnect(connection: WebSocketConnection) {
        print("Socket: Connected")

        self.socketManager?.ping(interval: 15)
ajinumoto commented 5 months ago

Probably because you set self.socketManager?.delegate = self before self.socketManager = NWWebSocket(url: self.socketURL, connectAutomatically: true, options: socketOption, connectionQueue: .main) so your delegate is still on old self.socketManager value (or nil)

nandarosyadi commented 5 months ago

I've move the delegate after the NWWebSocket initialization, but the delegate method is not called either

        self.socketManager = NWWebSocket(url: self.socketURL, 
                                         connectAutomatically: true,
                                         options: socketOption,
                                         connectionQueue: .main)
        self.socketManager?.delegate = self
        self.socketManager?.ping(interval: 15)
ajinumoto commented 5 months ago

but the delegate method is not called

All delegate not working really, even the connect and disconnect delegate? If all of delegate are not working, there is something wrong with your code. If you didn't receive message from socket try listen using self.socketManager?.listen()?

Btw, i highly recommend you to see NWWebSocket class for deeper understanding about this library