pusher / libPusher

An Objective-C interface to Pusher Channels
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Fix header imports of SocketRocket.h #272

Closed opfeffer closed 4 years ago

opfeffer commented 4 years ago


CocoaPods 1.7.0 added "Multiple Xcodeproj Generation" for large projects (see http://blog.cocoapods.org/CocoaPods-1.7.0-beta/#multiple-xcodeproj-generation). To enable, one can add the following line to one's Podfile:

install! 'cocoapods', :generate_multiple_pod_projects => true

However, enabling it leads to compilation errors in the latest version of this library (libPusher v1.6.3):


This is due to libPusher importing SocketRocket.h without clearly indicating its coming from another framework.

@TomKemp could you take a look? I see that the last published version is more than two years old, so I'm not sure if this library is still actively maintained, but I'd appreciate if this PR could get merged and a new release published to cocoapods master spec repo. Thanks

TomKemp commented 4 years ago

Hi @opfeffer. Thanks very much for the PR. That looks good to me, I'll merge it now.

The tests aren't passing on master currently, so I'm going to fix those and then I'll release a new version.

TomKemp commented 4 years ago

Hi @opfeffer. I've released that fix now. Let me know if you have any problems.

opfeffer commented 4 years ago

Hi @opfeffer. I've released that fix now. Let me know if you have any problems.

Thank you so much @TomKemp - say, will you push 1.6.4 to cocoapods master spec repo as well? I see 1.6.3 still being the latest there. https://cocoapods.org/pods/libPusher

TomKemp commented 4 years ago

I pushed it to cocoapods earlier on. Does a pod repo update help?