pusher / push-notifications-android

Android SDK for Pusher Beams
MIT License
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Getting HTTP 500 Internal Error after adding FCM Service Account File #149

Open victorlsn opened 1 month ago

victorlsn commented 1 month ago

After adding the FCM file on our Dashboard, we started receiving information on our Error Tracking:

POST https://{INSTANCE_ID}.pushnotifications.pusher.com/device_api/v1/instances/{DEVICE}/devices/fcm [500]

We have over 23k occurrences of this event in our dashboard, plus notifications aren't currently working. We'd like to at least remove the Service Account file from the Dashboard for now, but that also doesn't seem to be an option on the Dashboard UI.

JonathanCaspar commented 1 week ago

I'm having the exact same problem, I'm unable to register any new device for push notifications because of this.

I was trying to set up Pusher Beams using Flutter but faced the following error in the Android emulator:

W/PushNotificationsAPI( X): Failed to register device: NOKResponse(error=Something went wrong, description=Device could not be created)

After debugging in push-notifications-android library source code, I figured that this error was caused by a HTTP 500 Internal Error returned by

POST https://{INSTANCE_ID}.pushnotifications.pusher.com/device_api/v1/instances/{INSTANCE_ID}/devices/fcm

when the library executes the registerFCM function.

The library calls this endpoint by passing a token, a metadata object and aknownPreviousClientIds list, which seems to be a different signature than the one documented here (Pusher API documentation#register-new-fcm-device) for this same endpoint.

In the documentation mentioned above, the endpoint for registering to FCM apparently requires a bundleIdentifier which the client library doesn't seem to provide to the endpoint.

I tested the same call in Postman by explicitely passing a bundleIdentifier but still getting a HTTP 500.

There seems to be an internal issue going on on Pusher Beams API side, could anyone from the Pusher team please have a look at this?