pusher / pusher-websocket-react-native

React Native official Pusher SDK
MIT License
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PusherWebsocketReactNative.disconnect(_:reject:) () #124

Closed pearlopenxcell closed 6 months ago

pearlopenxcell commented 9 months ago

Crash in iOS

benw-pusher commented 9 months ago

Can you share more info about this, including the full stack trace and the code in use?

Gabfranck commented 7 months ago

Hi, I think I reproduced the same issue. It seems to occur when trying to disconnect an uninitialized Pusher instance.

I encountered the following error:

pusher_websocket_react_native/PusherWebsocketReactNative.swift:200: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value

I found a fix by performing the following check before disconnecting in the TypeScript code:

if ( pusher != null && pusher.connectionState !== "DISCONNECTED" ) {

Alternatively, another solution is to modify the PusherWebsocketReactNative.swift file as follows:

public func disconnect(_ resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {


public func disconnect(_ resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
  if PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher != nil {
rahul-s-1110 commented 7 months ago

@Gabfranck Thanks for sharing. Still Error has been coming now Error is been coming with code of @fbenevides @ekrembk @callaars @benw-pusher @evrimfeyyaz @essaji Could you please suggest a solution on It. As I'm stuck in mid between of this. PusherWebsocketReactNative.swift - Line 7 @objc PusherWebsocketReactNative.unsubscribe(_:resolve:reject:) + 7

Here's my PusherWebsocketReactNative.swift code:

import PusherSwift import Foundation

@objc(PusherWebsocketReactNative) @objcMembers class PusherWebsocketReactNative: RCTEventEmitter, PusherDelegate, Authorizer { private static var shared: PusherWebsocketReactNative! private static var pusher: Pusher!

private var authorizerCompletionHandlers = [String: ([String:String]) -> Void]()
private var authorizerCompletionHandlerTimeout = 10 // seconds

private let subscriptionErrorType = "SubscriptionError"
private let authErrorType = "AuthError"
private let pusherEventPrefix = "PusherReactNative"

override init() {

    PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared = self

override func supportedEvents() -> [String]! {
    return ["\(pusherEventPrefix):onConnectionStateChange",

private func callback(name:String, body:Any) -> Void {
    let pusherEventname = "\(pusherEventPrefix):\(name)"
    PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.sendEvent(withName:pusherEventname, body:body)

func initialize(_ args:[String: Any], resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
    if PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher != nil {
    var authMethod:AuthMethod = .noMethod
    if args["authEndpoint"] is String {
        authMethod = .endpoint(authEndpoint: args["authEndpoint"] as! String)
    } else if args["authorizer"] is Bool {
        authMethod = .authorizer(authorizer: PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared)
    var host:PusherHost = .defaultHost
    if args["host"] is String {
        host = .host(args["host"] as! String)
    } else if args["cluster"] != nil {
        host = .cluster(args["cluster"] as! String)
    var useTLS:Bool = true
    if args["useTLS"] is Bool {
        useTLS = args["useTLS"] as! Bool
    var port:Int
    if useTLS {
        port = 443
        if args["wssPort"] is Int {
            port = args["wssPort"] as! Int
    } else {
        port = 80
        if args["wsPort"] is Int {
            port = args["wsPort"] as! Int
    var activityTimeout:TimeInterval? = nil
    if args["activityTimeout"] is TimeInterval {
        activityTimeout = args["activityTimeout"] as! Double / 1000.0
    var path:String? = nil
    if args["path"] is String {
        path = (args["path"] as! String)
    let options = PusherClientOptions(
        authMethod: authMethod,
        host: host,
        port: port,
        path: path,
        useTLS: useTLS,
        activityTimeout: activityTimeout
    PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher = Pusher(key: args["apiKey"] as! String, options: options)
    if args["maxReconnectionAttempts"] is Int {
        PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.reconnectAttemptsMax = (args["maxReconnectionAttempts"] as! Int)
    if args["maxReconnectGapInSeconds"] is TimeInterval {
        PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.maxReconnectGapInSeconds = (args["maxReconnectGapInSeconds"] as! TimeInterval)
    if args["pongTimeout"] is Int {
        PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.pongResponseTimeoutInterval = args["pongTimeout"] as! TimeInterval / 1000.0

    if let authorizerTimeoutInSeconds = args["authorizerTimeoutInSeconds"] as? Int {
        PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.authorizerCompletionHandlerTimeout = authorizerTimeoutInSeconds

    PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.delegate = PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared
    PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.bind(eventCallback: onEvent)

override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
    return false

public func fetchAuthValue(socketID: String, channelName: String, completionHandler: @escaping (PusherAuth?) -> Void) {
    PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.callback(name:"onAuthorizer", body: [
        "socketId": socketID,
        "channelName": channelName

    let key = channelName + socketID
    let authCallback = { (authParams:[String:String]) in
        if let authParam = authParams["auth"] {
            completionHandler(PusherAuth(auth: authParam, channelData: authParams["channel_data"], sharedSecret: authParams["shared_secret"]))
        } else {
            completionHandler(PusherAuth(auth: "<missing_auth_param>:error", channelData: authParams["channel_data"], sharedSecret: authParams["shared_secret"]))
    authorizerCompletionHandlers[key] = authCallback

    // the JS thread might not call onAuthorizer – we need to cleanup the completion handler after timeout
    let timeout = DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.authorizerCompletionHandlerTimeout)
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + timeout) {
        if let storedAuthHandler = PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.authorizerCompletionHandlers.removeValue(forKey: key) {
            storedAuthHandler(["auth": "<authorizer_timeout>:error"])

public func onAuthorizer(_ channelName: String, socketID: String, data:[String:String], resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
    let key = channelName + socketID
    if let storedAuthHandler = authorizerCompletionHandlers.removeValue(forKey: key) {

public func changedConnectionState(from old: ConnectionState, to new: ConnectionState) {
    PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.callback(name:"onConnectionStateChange", body:[
        "previousState": old.stringValue(),
        "currentState": new.stringValue()

public func debugLog(message: String) {
    //print("DEBUG:", message)

public func subscribedToChannel(name: String) {
    // Handled by global handler

public func failedToSubscribeToChannel(name: String, response: URLResponse?, data: String?, error: NSError?) {
    var code = ""
    var type = subscriptionErrorType
    if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
        code = String(httpResponse.statusCode)
        type = authErrorType

    PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.callback(name:"onSubscriptionError", body:[
        "message": (error != nil) ? error!.localizedDescription : ((data != nil) ? data! : error.debugDescription),
        "type": type,
        "code": code,
        "channelName": name

public func receivedError(error: PusherError) {
        name:"onError", body:[
            "message": error.message,
            "code": error.code ?? -1,
            "error": error.debugDescription

public func failedToDecryptEvent(eventName: String, channelName: String, data: String?) {
        name:"onDecryptionFailure", body:[
            "eventName": eventName,
            "reason": data

public func connect(_ resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {

public func disconnect(_ resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
    if PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher != nil {

public func getSocketId() -> String? {
    return PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.socketId

func onEvent(event:PusherEvent) {
    var userId:String? = nil
    var mappedEventName:String? = nil
    if event.eventName == "pusher:subscription_succeeded" {
        if let channel = PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.channels.findPresence(name: event.channelName!) {
            userId = channel.myId
        mappedEventName = "pusher_internal:subscription_succeeded"
            "channelName": event.channelName,
            "eventName": mappedEventName ?? event.eventName,
            "userId": event.userId ?? userId,
            "data": event.data

func subscribe(_ channelName:String, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
    if channelName.hasPrefix("presence-") {
        let onMemberAdded:(PusherPresenceChannelMember) -> () = { user in
            PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.callback(name:"onMemberAdded", body: [
                "channelName": channelName,
                "user": ["userId": user.userId, "userInfo": user.userInfo ]
        let onMemberRemoved:(PusherPresenceChannelMember) -> () = { user in
            PusherWebsocketReactNative.shared.callback(name:"onMemberRemoved", body: [
                "channelName": channelName,
                "user": ["userId": user.userId, "userInfo": user.userInfo ]
            channelName: channelName,
            onMemberAdded: onMemberAdded,
            onMemberRemoved: onMemberRemoved
    } else {
        let onSubscriptionCount:(Int) -> () = { subscriptionCount in
                    "channelName": channelName,
                    "eventName": "pusher_internal:subscription_count",
                    "userId": nil,
                    "data": [
                        "subscription_count": subscriptionCount
        PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.subscribe(channelName: channelName,
                                                    onSubscriptionCountChanged: onSubscriptionCount)

func unsubscribe(_ channelName:String, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {

func trigger(_ channelName:String, eventName:String, data:Any, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
    if let channel = PusherWebsocketReactNative.pusher.connection.channels.find(name: channelName) {
        channel.trigger(eventName: eventName, data: data)


and here's our pusherDisconnect code in app.js file

  useEffect(() => {
    return async () => {
      console.log("pusher in return app stack", pusher);
      if (pusher !== null && pusher.connectionState !== "DISCONNECTED") {
        console.log("inside pusher unsucribe setting")
        await pusher.unsubscribe({
          channelName: `portal-${clientConfigs["app-claims/config-id"]}-${clientConfigs["http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier"]}`,
        await pusher.disconnect();
      } else {
        const pusher = Pusher.getInstance();
        await pusher.unsubscribe({
          channelName: `portal-${clientConfigs["app-claims/config-id"]}-${clientConfigs["http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier"]}`,
        await pusher.disconnect();
  }, []);
benw-pusher commented 6 months ago

@rahul-s-1110 i can see you have logged a new issue at https://github.com/pusher/pusher-websocket-react-native/issues/143 for your report. It isn't clear if your issue is directly related to the original issue so we should progress the invesitgation in #143 .