pushingbhutons / IRIS-COVID

IRIS Virtual Assitant (IRIS-VA) is the AI brain behind the wizard's curtain at ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret. She's taking on COVID19
MIT License
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TODO Askco19 AI Integration #1

Open finleyexp opened 4 years ago

finleyexp commented 4 years ago

IRIS-med needs to:

  1. collect patient data, securely, with player in control (option for local or global save points)
  2. return the minimum required data to askco19's q&a database (quest related data only)
  3. receive quest updates from doctors at askco19 & push updated quests to the game (automatically)
  4. keep track of player progress and suggest ways to improve scores (ML/NLP/FL)
  5. be interactive (device agnostic)

Would we want to create a BOINC project to get citizen scientists involved in running the AIs?