pushingbhutons / IRIS-COVID

IRIS Virtual Assitant (IRIS-VA) is the AI brain behind the wizard's curtain at ZEEMZ: The Versipisces Secret. She's taking on COVID19
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Integrate with Eterna Game #4

Open finleyexp opened 3 years ago

finleyexp commented 3 years ago

Eterna Game Nova Labs + Eterna Game: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/lab/rna/ mRNA design challenge - find a vaccine for Coronavirus: https://eternagame.org/news/9818657 OpenVaccine - Eterna takes on Coronavirus https://eternagame.org/labs/9818634 RNA Lab Educator Guide https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/about-rna-lab/educator-guide/

  1. add Eterna game to AI Hospital & AI School in Zeemz: Pandemic Patch