1.) I want to know how are you loading habitat env say quantico in below code, is there a glb file specific to that, if yes can you point to that .glb file?
2.) Also, you are giving initial, final pose images as below. So, if I want to test on quantico env, above scene_glb should also be quantico? Do the below and above snippets need to have same scene?
Hi Pushkal,
1.) I want to know how are you loading habitat env say quantico in below code, is there a glb file specific to that, if yes can you point to that .glb file?
class HabitatEnv(): def init(self, folder, init_state, depth_type): scene_glb = folder + "/" + os.path.basename(folder).capitalize() + ".glb"
2.) Also, you are giving initial, final pose images as below. So, if I want to test on quantico env, above scene_glb should also be quantico? Do the below and above snippets need to have same scene?
3.) Now, if we want to test on random scene (by giving our own init.png, des.png. What should be scene_glb in def init of class HabitatEnv?