pushkarmishra / AuthorProfilingAbuseDetection

Author Profiling for Abuse Detection (COLING 2018)
MIT License
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How can I get HateSpeech dataset? #2

Open BobTsang1995 opened 3 years ago

BobTsang1995 commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm a researcher from china and I think this work is very interesting. So, I wanna to reproduce the experimental results. But you konw... twitter is unfriendly to the chinese. I can't even apply a twitter account when I use chinese phone number... how can I get this raw datas? please help me......

anqiwang365 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for providing the raw data. I have tried to get the data by using tweepy but most of the racist users are suspended. I am doing my graduation project now. Could you help provide the full dataset which contains the tweet content and user relationships? My email is lyul960818@gmail.com. really appreciate your help!!

thushalya commented 1 year ago

I'm a fourth-year undergraduate student from Sri Lanka, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree. My team and I are working on our final year project, which focuses on hate speech detection. I came across your implementation, which I found to be quite impressive. I am reaching out to kindly request access to the dataset that you utilized for your implementation. Your assistance in this regard would be immensely valuable and greatly appreciated.

gmail:- thushalya.19@cse.mrt.ac.lk