pushpendrajtp99 / Mysql

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system widely used for storing and managing structured data. Renowned for its reliability, scalability, and ease of use, MySQL powers many websites and applications worldwide.
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Mid-Point Line Drawing Algorithm in Computer Graphics #3

Open pushpendrajtp99 opened 1 week ago

pushpendrajtp99 commented 1 week ago

The Mid-point Subdivision algorithm is the extension of the Cyrus-Beck algorithm. The Mid-Point line plotting algorithm was introduced by “Pitway and Van Aken.” It is an incremental line drawing algorithm. In this algorithm, we perform incremental calculations. The calculations are based on the previous step to find the value of the next point. We perform the same process for each step. By using the mid-point subdivision algorithm, we can draw a line with close approximation between two points. The mid-point subdivision line drawing algorithm subdivides the line at its midpoints continuously. Mid-Point-Line-Drawing-Algorithm2