For comment searches, it looks like the reply_delay field and possibly other fields go missing sometime in 2018. Check the results from the following queries:
Comments from "MockDeath" after 2018-01-01:
author | "MockDeath"
author_created_utc | 1217028326
author_flair_css_class | null
author_flair_text | null
author_fullname | "t2_37csl"
body | "But that doesn't mean refined sugar necessarily. Type 1 is completely independent of your sugar intake. Just because it is 'diabetes' doesn't mean it is created by refined sugar.. They still haven't even found a cause for type 1.\n\n-edit- However 90-95% of diabetics are type 2. So people tend to falsely attribute sugar consumption to all diabetes. But type 1 is completely different in the mechanism of how the issue is caused."
can_gild | true
controversiality | 0
created_utc | 1514964638
distinguished | null
edited | 1514964848
gilded | 0
id | "ds4b9xz"
is_submitter | false
link_id | "t3_7nq63u"
nest_level | 3
parent_id | "t1_ds496ki"
permalink | "/r/news/comments/7nq63u/scientists_find_alzheimers_treatment_while_trying/ds4b9xz/"
reply_delay | 4148
retrieved_on | 1517515846
score | 10
stickied | false
subreddit | "news"
subreddit_id | "t5_2qh3l"
subreddit_type | "public"
Comments from "MockDeath" after 2019-01-01:
For comment searches, it looks like the
field and possibly other fields go missing sometime in 2018. Check the results from the following queries:Comments from "MockDeath" after 2018-01-01:
Comments from "MockDeath" after 2019-01-01: