pushtell / react-ab-test

A/B testing React components and debug tools. Isomorphic with a simple, universal interface. Well documented and lightweight. Tested in popular browsers and Node.js. Includes helpers for Mixpanel and Segment.com.
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positioning the debugger #2

Open VinSpee opened 8 years ago

VinSpee commented 8 years ago


I really love what you guys are doing with this tool. I'd love to see something similar to the customizability of gaearon/redux-devtools-dock-monitor. Initially, something like toggling visibility with a shortcut and moving the panel around, later on possible something like theming.

Would you be open to a PR around this type of feature?

wehriam commented 8 years ago


Absolutely open to a PR. The modules are designed to be reasonably extensible, so if it turns out that you want an external module for a more sophisticated debugger I'm happy to contribute to that project as well.

Can you describe what you mean by "toggling visibility with a shortcut" in more depth?

wehriam commented 8 years ago

Also, I'm very interested in feature requests. Please don't hesitate to ask if there's something you'd like to see.

VinSpee commented 8 years ago

@wehriam re: visibility toggling:

visit this page:


and press Ctrl-h then, try pressing Ctrl-q a few times.

I'm also interested in creating a middleware that can be used with redux - I have a crude one implemented now that basically fires an action on SHOW_EXPERIMENT and WIN_EXPERIMENT, which then fires some omniture-specific code that we use for tracking. That way, rather than using:

emitter.addPlayListener(function(experimentName, variantName){
  mixpanel.track("Start Experiment", {name: experimentName, variant: variantName});

you would just do something like this:

emitter.addPlayListener((experimentName, variantName) => {
  dispatch(startExperiement({name: experimentName, variant: variantName});

that way, you can handle all of your analytics outside of the component, which is a pattern we're following already and has really cleaned up our components.

We will be using this lib heavily over the next few months, and on highly trafficked pages - I'll be sure to let you know how it goes and if we see a need for anything!

Thanks again!

wehriam commented 8 years ago

Great. I've created two enhancement request issues:

Please feel free to suggest implementation changes, but wanted to get the threads in place. If you start working on one or both please let me know, until then they'll be in my development queue.

wehriam commented 8 years ago

you can handle all of your analytics outside of the component

Keep in mind the emitter is a singleton used by the components to coordinate, and which can be imported elsewhere. With that said, I see the benefits of routing play/win events as Redux actions and don't think it will be difficult to implement.

VinSpee commented 8 years ago

in that case, is the emitter for orchestrating "if this test wins, then show this test" kind of behavior?

wehriam commented 8 years ago

The emitter was largely designed to coordinate tests, for example if you had header and subheader components in the same experiment with corresponding variants, but in different parts of the page. You can see this in action in the Coordinate Multiple Components usage section or on JSFiddle

While I am unaware of a use case for the "if this test wins, then show this test" behavior, you could do something like:

emitter.defineVariants("Experiment Step 1", ["A", "B", "C"]);
emitter.defineVariants("Experiment Step 2", ["1", "2", "3"]);
emitter.addWinListener("Experiment Step 1", function(experimentName, variantName){
  if(variantName === "B") {
    emitter.setActiveVariant("Experiment Step 2", "2");

As long as no "Experiment Step 2" components had mounted when the callback is executed (and thus already have an active variant), variant "2" of "Experiment Step 2" will be displayed.

wehriam commented 8 years ago

As a side note, emitter may no longer the best name as it also can be used to set active variants, etc.

pke commented 8 years ago

Just stumbled over this component after trying react-ab which does not give me programmatic access to the current variant of an experiment (to choose different styles and code paths for instance).

I also like the experiment debugger and would like to integrate it into redux-devtools. I will check how that would be possible. Should be pretty straight-forward. That would probably a separate project though.