pustinek / ItemFilter

Item filter for minecraft/spigot server
MIT License
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Reload command - resets language files. #13

Open andrewkm opened 1 week ago

andrewkm commented 1 week ago

Reload command - resets language files. Make edits, use /if reload in game or in console, language files reset. It should reload them not reset them.

Only way I can actually get the language files to change is if I edit them in the actual compiled jar @pustinek

pustinek commented 1 week ago

You need to copy the default.yml file into something like "EN.yml" and then in configs.yml change the property: language: EN

This is so when new "text" is added you can copy it from the default.yml

andrewkm commented 1 week ago

@pustinek that should be in the release xP Can you please add that.