pustinek / ItemFilter

Item filter for minecraft/spigot server
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Permissions issue #2

Closed Sikatsu closed 3 years ago

Sikatsu commented 3 years ago

If I give the player itemfilter.toggle and itemfilter.menu, they can toggle and open the menu.

When the player disables picking up a certain item and toggle the item filter on, they can still pick it up unless I also add itemfilter.add and itemfilter.remove, but I don't want them to use that feature.

When I added itemfilter.use, and disabled itemfilter.add and itemfilter.remove, they couldn't open the menu anymore.

I have a feeling the permissions need to be looked at if possible ^^

pustinek commented 3 years ago

Hey, I kinda bootstraped the permission system toggether in the last minute. Will look into it and roll out a new version in the next day. Thanks for letting me know 😁

Sikatsu commented 3 years ago

Thank you!