putanowr / nadamak

Tools for computational mechanics
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how to set up nadamak #19

Open austinerees opened 1 month ago

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Dear Putanowr, Greetings to you. Please forgive my ignorance as I am quite new to gmesh with MATLAB. I find your gmesh nadamak, MATLAB program very extensive and I am trying to study how to set it up and run the test cases before proceeding. I have gmesh version 4.3. Please could you give me some guide on how to set it up ? I have also checked your site :https://putanowr.github.io/projects/nadamak/demos/html/demo_triangles_vs_quads.html#2, since I am interested in quadrilateral mesh but the error I get when testing a case is that "Running gmsh has failed". I believe I need to include the path to the gmesh into the program but do not know where to do it from after downloading your program. please help me as i need it to generate quadrilateral meshes for my research from gmesh and read them into MATLAB for further analysis. thank you in advance.

putanowr commented 1 month ago


Thank you for your interest in Nadamak. As you could see from the project history, this project was last active something like 5 years ago while I was still working at university. As many of such projects, it started with big ambitions, to quickly lose the steam (so to say).

You are the first person to ask me about Nadamak. I still have access to Matlab as I play with it as a hobby. At the moment I am on holidays so I cannot take a look at it right now, but what I can say is that within something like 2 weeks I will try to setup Nadamak again on my laptop and then be able to assist you more.

If you do not mind then you can tell me how urgent are your needs and in which field you are working. I cannot promise anything at the moment, but well if I can be of any help then why not - that was the idea of making Nadamak public.



On Mon, Jul 29, 2024 at 8:51 PM austinerees @.***> wrote:

Dear Putanowr, Greetings to you. Please forgive my ignorance as I am quite new to gmesh with MATLAB. I find your gmesh nadamak, MATLAB program very extensive and I am trying to study how to set it up and run the test cases before proceeding. I have gmesh version 4.3. Please could you give me some guide on how to set it up ? I have also checked your site : https://putanowr.github.io/projects/nadamak/demos/html/demo_triangles_vs_quads.html#2, since I am interested in quadrilateral mesh but the error I get when testing a case is that "Running gmsh has failed". I believe I need to include the path to the gmesh into the program but do not know where to do it from after downloading your program. please help me as i need it to generate quadrilateral meshes for my research from gmesh and read them into MATLAB for further analysis. thank you in advance.

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austinerees commented 1 month ago

Thank you so very much putanowr for your prompt response. I'm working in the field of structural mechanics for my thesis. I am trying to have a CAD model whose mesh would be generated with gmesh,parsed into Matlab and visualize the 3D shape. Although your code seem very elaborate and extensive,but I couldn't just set it up to start the test cases. I've searched for many solutions for over a month only to stumble on your work which seem to give me what I want. I am suppose to see my supervisor in few days time and need to show him what I've down. If I can understand the set up via this link :https://putanowr.github.io/projects/nadamak/demos/html/demo_triangles_vs_quads.html Was done, It would help me alot. I think issue is with how nadamak would find gmesh path included into the program. The program seem to do lot of the things I want from generating mesh to visualizing them via gmesh and through MATLAB interface. I really would love to have your assistance in directing me with the set up of that example in that link and I can sure handle things from there hopefully.

Thank you once again in anticipation.,

putanowr commented 1 month ago

Well, looks I am addicted ;-).

1. I have cloned the nadamak repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/putanowr/nadamak.git

2. I have downloaded the binaries for GMSH, unpacked it to some folder.

ls C:\Users\Roman\Downloads\gmsh-4.13.1-Windows64\gmsh.exe

Directory: C:\Users\Roman\Downloads\gmsh-4.13.1-Windows64

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

------ 5/24/2024 11:17 PM 87864832 gmsh.exe

3. I have configured Nadamak to find the gmsh executable by editing the file:


I have edited the path to gmsh excutable:


If you use Linux then you have to play with lines 21 and 24 if on Windows then you have to fix line 30

  1. I then started Matlab, changed to the nadama/src folder and run startup.m script.

It reported:

startup NADAMAK set from folder: C:\Users\Roman\work\Programming\Matlab\nadamak\src

5 I then run a single demo using the following call:

mp_run_single_demo 'LShapeGeom'

I am sorry for rush and sort of messy answer - howewer it looks the basic functionality of Nadama hasn't rotten :-) By the way I tested it with Matlab R2021b with some toolboxes - somewhere should be a list but definitely toolbox for symbolic calculations is necessary for dealing with shape functions.

putanowr commented 1 month ago

This also works:

mp_run_single_demo 'triangles_vs_quads'

putanowr commented 1 month ago

If you do not have access to symbolic toolbox or if you are just interested in running gmsh and then importing generated mesh to some data structure in Matlab it should be possible to "cannibalize" Nadamak. A lot of Nadamak complexity comes from the part where the shape functions are "automagically" generated. You would need just the part that calls gmsh and the part that parses generated gmsh file.

Such "cannibalization" approach is probably optimal if you do restricted scope project, just need some meshes and some computations on them, and then you can forget the whole thing. Very seldom, you will get credits for investing into code like Nadamak.

putanowr commented 1 month ago

And just one more comment - Nadamak has two faces. It started and a series of ordinary matlab functions - the folder src/core. Then I started to experiment with Matlab packages and object oriented programming (I find it quite interesting in Matlab). For the start you could just stick to the low level interface presented by src/core - however, demos are written mostly with high level interface.

austinerees commented 1 month ago

gmesh_triangle-quad image Thank you so very much putanowr! I was able to follow your instruction and could generate the triangles_vs_quads demo and got those photo I uploaded. although the 'LShapeGeom' could not generate as it throws the "Unable to resolve the name 'mp.Mesher'.

Error in demo_LShapeGeom (line 12) mesher = mp.Mesher();

Error in run (line 91) evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';'));

Error in mp_run_single_demo (line 12) run(scriptName);" . I would like to ask, if I were to generate just quad mesh alone from my CAD model((in .stp and .stl file) via gmesh without opening mesh but through MATLAB, visualize it and store the elements ,i. e quad elements in this case for subsequent calculations, is there a simple way I could do that? I want to sincerely thank you because of this help you gave me. I really would love to use my model to generate the quad mesh as I have described. I am sorry I have disturbed your holidays. Also, if i chose to try other mesh type, is there a way to change it as well? Thank you so very much and I hope you could kindly assist me one more.

putanowr commented 1 month ago

Let me write a more general comment.

First all, it is not clear to me if you need to generate surface mesh (in particular planar one) or volumetric mesh. You indicate quad elements, but then you talk about CAD model saved as STL file - which indicates triangulated surface of 3D model.

If we have 3D case and volumetric mesh then more appropriate would be to talk about hexahedra elements (hexahedron is3D equivalent of quad).

Then if we have the case of 3D volumetric mesh the next question is why do you need to use Matlab. There might be many reasons why you may need / want to use Matlab, but especially in 3D case you have to really know why.

In any case in my work I would touch Matlab at later stage. I do not know details so the step below might be not adequate but this is how I imagine the situation when I have 3D meshes to handle:

  1. I would make sure I can generate proper 3D geometric model and save it in STL format. Very important is that in case of non-homogeneous material properties the model contains proper indication of material regions and other attributes. If in your research you just need geometry and its discretization then you can neglect things like materials and physical properties, boundary conditions, loads. If not, if you need a full set of information about your model, then this issue might be a pain in the neck.

    1. I would then make sure I am able to load this STL model to GMSH and mesh it. First with tetrahedrons, then to try to generate all hex mes - which is much more difficult issue.

    2. After the mesh is generated, I would make sure that all attributes attached to the geometric model can be properly transferred to the meshed model.

    Only after making sure that I can handle the process of creating geometric models and meshing them with GMHS manually, I would turn to making it a batch process. Batch process in the sense that GMSH can be run from command line and feed via data files and command line parameters.

    Then, if I am able to control mesh generation process, I would look how I can do it via Matlab scripts.

    At this stage you may hit the wall, a hard one. Everything depends on what you need to do with your meshed models. But keep in mind that visualization of 3D meshes in Matlab with ordinary plot or plot3D, surf or mesh might not be the most convenient thing (also not most efficient if we talk about dense meshes).

    At this stage there is too many unknowns about your project to give any advice, but again the most important question is why do you need to control the mesh generation process and visualization via MATLAB. There might be better alternatives.

    I know, I am not helping, but ...

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Thank you so very much Patanwr. Your response is very helpful. The steps you outline are actually what I am trying to follow. mesh3D The mesh I intend to create in gmesh through MATLAB or within gmesh and visualize via MATLAB would look like what I uploaded in the photo, just a surface quad mesh. with regards to step 1, I do not need any local mesh formation or special material about it. just an unstructured quad mesh from the surface from an already modeled CAD file. The CAD file will be in .stp or .stl format which I already did with rhinoceros, a 3D CAD modelling tool .The reason why I am doing everything from MATLAB is because I feel it would be easier and since I'm new to scripting in gmesh (.geo ) to create the file. Also, my supervisor asked that I use one environment for everything possibly so I chose MATLAB .I would just want to do the following:1. import or read my CAD model(in .stl or preferable .stp file format) 2. generate the unstructured quad surface mesh from the imported CAD model (with options to control the size) via gmesh through MATLAB 3. visualize the mesh of the CAD model and store each quad coordinates to a variable or possibly to a struct for further processing in MATLAB.I know its a lot but basically this is what need. If you could guide me and if Nadamak could do this I would truly be grateful. Thank you in advance

putanowr commented 1 month ago

Your object looks to me as 2.5D geometry - a planar thin walled shape extruded in a normal direction.

If it is just this geometry - it may be parametric with parameters like total width or height, filet radii and wall thickness then I wouldn't bother with rhinoceros nor anything else and I would do everything in GMSH. In GMSH you can easily describe such shape via parametric script - that gives you the control over geometry. Then you can mesh it and also visualize.

Only then I would read the mesh points coordinates and topology for further processing in Matlab - though you are still very vague what do you need to do with that mesh in MATLAB.

In Nadamak it is possible to generate such geometry and mesh but IMO it is waste of time - In order to handle more complex geometries in Nadamak you have to write GMSH geometry model anyway. Please take a look at nadamak/src/core/geom/geomodels

You will find in this folder files with extension .tpl - There are nothing else as GMSH script templates. In Nadamak such template file is read, then some values and placeholders are filled from the values defined in matlab script - this way one gets correct GMSH geometry script - this script is then send to GMSH.exe for meshing and results are read back into Matlab.

So as you can see, you will not escape GMSH programming. Thus instead of starting from Nadama and its complications, I suggest starting with GMSH script. Depending on your needs and the variability of the geometry you may even not need to parameterize the script or the whole parameterization can be confined to GMSH script.

For start, define in GMSH script a simple trapezium and mesh it. Then define a trapezium with rounded corners and mesh it.

Then start to modify your script toward the geometry you have shown to me.

If you do not want to model geometry in GMSH then for the start make sure that you can read in STEP files into GMSH.

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Thank you patwanwr. here is the original .stp CAD model: image and I am also attaching it too. boatModel.zip I do not want any thickness or fillet, any parametric modification or any other modification. I just want it meshed into quadrilateral meshes as this : image The mesh would be unstructured quad meshes. I am not familiar with scripting in gmesh but i have seen some .geo file which claims to produce meshes but they apply them to simple shapes on youtube and other places. I just would want the following :1. import this model into gmesh without opening mesh 2. mesh into quadrilateral meshes . If I can have mesh control with respect to size it would be desirable as it would help me with sensitivity analysis 3. visualize the meshed model as seen in my photo and save the coordinates. I want to use the coordinates to compute normal, areas of the meshes for further structural analysis in my research. If I can produce this for this model, then I would try for other models. Also if you could point me to resources on scripting with gmesh ,I would also be grateful. Any assistance to solving these 3 key areas holding my research would be highly appreciated. thank you in anticipation

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Dear Patwanowr, thank you so very much for the assistance so far. If you could guide me with regards to the last message on how to achieve those goals, I will truly appreciate. Thank you for taking out time from your holidays to help me.

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Could you offer me some assistance or give me some directions?

putanowr commented 1 month ago

I have looked at GMSH Python interface. If you look at the examples in GMSH documentation and if you consult the available functions (like filleting two edges) then you will see that with Python GMSH interface you have much more robust and comprehensive solution than the one you have with Nadamak. So you can write a python script in which you can program the geometric model, then mesh, save it etc. You just switch Matlab to Python. This is definitely the way I would go (first of all because of the fillet 2D function that can free us from painfully calculating the stitching point between circular arc and segments.

I have Python on my laptop, i was able to install gmsh package and then I run one of the sample python scripts. https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/-/tree/master/tutorials/python

I know that the above is a departure from Matlab, but in my opinion this is the most flexible option. And in fact one can mix Python and Matlab by calling python code or scripts from Matlab.

Today I am not able but tomorrow I will prepare a part of your geometry to give you a proof of concep.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 10:00 PM austinerees @.***> wrote:

Could you offer me some assistance or give me some directions?

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austinerees commented 1 month ago


Wow! Thank you so very much. ! Thank you so very much.if python have flexible libraries and I could call them from MATLAB Then it would help greatly. I would be relying on the proof of concept you'd provide for me tomorrow with my geometry. Thank you once more

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Hello Patwnorwr, greetings to you. any luck with the quad mesh been generated by my model?

austinerees commented 1 month ago

Dear Patwnorwr, thank you so very much for your assistance so far. I am still struggling with this simple task of generating and visualizing this quad mesh for my model. I have understood Nadamak such that the starting point is from the template files which are the .tpl files. I do believe if I can generate a .tpl for my model, it should be straightforward as that is exactly what I need subsequently for similar model. Is there a way you could help me with that? here is my mesh from gmesh window image and this is the .msh file :$MeshFormat 4.1 0 8 $EndMeshFormat $Entities 5 8 3 0 1 0 0 1219.432 0 2 0 -3544.005 2698.779 0 3 0 3544.005 2698.779 0 4 39057.4 0 2984.981 0 5 36226.95 0 120.0104 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 -1 2 -2.911754639002567 -3544.005 1219.432 4.225286054963624 0 2698.779 0 2 1 -2 3 0 -3544.005 2698.779 0 3544.005 2698.779 0 2 2 -3 4 -2.911754639002571 0 1219.432 4.225286054963627 3544.005 2698.779 0 2 3 -1 5 0 0 2698.779 39057.4 4241.400638555574 2984.981 0 2 3 -4 6 36226.95 0 120.0103999999999 39057.4 0 2984.981 0 2 4 -5 7 0 0 29.6543628289528 36226.95 0 1219.432 0 2 5 -1 8 0 -4241.400638555574 2698.779 39057.4 0 2984.981 0 2 2 -4 1 -2.911754639002571 -3544.005 1219.432 4.225286054963627 3544.005 2698.779 0 4 1 2 3 4 2 -2.911754639004357 0 29.6543628289528 39057.4 4241.400638555574 2984.981 0 4 5 6 7 -4 3 -2.911754639004357 -4241.400638555574 29.6543628289528 39057.4 0 2984.981 0 4 -2 -7 -6 -8 $EndEntities $Nodes 16 227 1 227 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1219.432 0 2 0 1 2 0 -3544.005 2698.779 0 3 0 1 3 0 3544.005 2698.779 0 4 0 1 4 39057.4 0 2984.981 0 5 0 1 5 36226.95 0 120.0104 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 3 6 7 8 4.225286054963624 -1031.569112783053 1286.023256154083 2.379816724784349 -2053.625843727305 1434.861236562361 -2.911754639002568 -2992.006837284101 1849.226381184197 1 3 0 3 9 10 11 0 -1772.002500000001 2698.779 0 -4.092726157978177e-12 2698.779 0 1772.002499999998 2698.779 1 4 0 3 12 13 14 -2.911754639002571 2992.006837284101 1849.226381184197 2.379816724784342 2053.625843727306 1434.861236562362 4.225286054963627 1031.569112783053 1286.023256154083 1 5 0 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1987.809942880016 3704.360745129456 2699.774891674847 3977.20593090254 3843.733544693317 2700.772609548489 5967.631765361903 3967.466855821891 2701.771174612476 7959.755906575783 4059.436327489588 2702.76486254949 9953.004093581427 4123.309918469389 2703.495635703197 11946.63442150251 4174.027253135535 2703.500509646034 13940.52033563604 4213.396534714735 2702.929605984631 15934.6416366201 4237.861247003315 2703.009127173837 17928.90214189153 4241.400638555574 2705.669427738301 19923.01637104362 4218.253041149042 2712.349465217277 21916.49198783324 4163.628442427277 2723.25641007495 23908.55378678218 4071.498863041321 2737.479374003578 25897.83987798287 3932.272729201352 2753.771211110925 27882.37278197041 3736.848689623365 2771.061232701853 29859.5956435369 3478.126696584281 2789.327964931468 31820.02070396263 3115.342960756846 2812.248694183222 33741.13702868317 2584.017028450658 2845.534399101276 35609.44009990797 1889.057706258678 2888.341598786273 37432.36347513061 1082.03959851756 2933.260247349956 1 6 0 3 34 35 36 38359.21178529201 0 2240.904621358834 37716.70809998205 0 1448.499468818439 37072.79261830998 0 657.314987960455 1 7 0 19 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 34427.30180341569 0 35.20257011826024 32611.22583279685 0 35.19320664635129 30796.08361621645 0 35.21612183367203 28980.94139782967 0 35.30433632455153 27165.79942229054 0 35.4555546857566 25350.65751753151 0 35.5746717090454 23535.51536653596 0 35.42009388074735 21720.3734452194 0 34.53052296535145 19905.23258050694 0 32.38379420032675 18090.0924630525 0 29.65436282895282 16274.95102853293 0 29.86230894507318 14459.84441245046 0 40.31799357717065 12644.99497791699 0 71.97231345373179 10831.02420489369 0 136.2282616380498 9019.169449889523 0 244.4444293278068 7212.062507134045 0 413.7627673852853 5411.168918790301 0 640.5598254383161 3611.639355489113 0 878.1185732103419 1810.643495173534 0 1104.009196420497 1 8 0 19 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 1987.809942880016 -3704.360745129456 2699.774891674847 3977.20593090254 -3843.733544693317 2700.772609548489 5967.631765361903 -3967.466855821891 2701.771174612476 7959.755906575783 -4059.436327489588 2702.76486254949 9953.004093581427 -4123.309918469389 2703.495635703197 11946.63442150251 -4174.027253135535 2703.500509646034 13940.52033563604 -4213.396534714735 2702.929605984631 15934.6416366201 -4237.861247003315 2703.009127173837 17928.90214189153 -4241.400638555574 2705.669427738301 19923.01637104362 -4218.253041149042 2712.349465217277 21916.49198783324 -4163.628442427277 2723.25641007495 23908.55378678218 -4071.498863041321 2737.479374003578 25897.83987798287 -3932.272729201352 2753.771211110925 27882.37278197041 -3736.848689623365 2771.061232701853 29859.5956435369 -3478.126696584281 2789.327964931468 31820.02070396263 -3115.342960756846 2812.248694183222 33741.13702868317 -2584.017028450658 2845.534399101276 35609.44009990797 -1889.057706258678 2888.341598786273 37432.36347513061 -1082.03959851756 2933.260247349956 2 1 0 7 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 -1.294112839754086 316.2507916305532 1696.421383688165 0.175848396976664 -868.687526048376 1565.63694504459 0.1758483969766614 1184.93831767893 1565.63694504459 3.10434226273077 79.06269790763878 1405.255276986965 -1.25948593977361 158.1253958152743 2197.60383523763 -2.584572060259952 -1416.940720734413 2023.415618238757 -2.58457206025995 1575.066116549688 2023.415618238757 2 2 0 89 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 4810.210932565317 2179.052830041156 1093.820176568337 9741.24162594878 2794.008791067121 753.7756888705185 6270.38037799976 2029.32983628436 863.1538124775999 3045.608693392315 2118.572360150645 1259.661751566093 11702.91575969719 3125.134123320345 783.6226430082124 8147.471887360462 2447.925459730714 765.4889890470896 15222.52724904727 3842.703564367826 1251.454656549921 23109.66755370394 3369.189612717883 1136.638257786708 19082.24153853025 3680.261698753024 1128.536050150552 8924.22899678511 3752.972286909852 1561.867324853244 6005.374080140521 3399.87590851277 1564.103049518142 7309.922965598851 3105.467639443075 1188.138809376005 30896.81602047574 2083.63918601462 1290.537893906765 26998.19439147809 2847.39301282685 1202.873318891426 34994.4301836352 989.9431168509608 1441.969961055088 11741.832850556 3867.533376831629 1455.501649717544 3548.955436305705 3132.025702304362 1620.696085032636 1521.033610171233 1061.737848760294 1215.860534185239 3928.446858533875 2147.393098404904 1181.934060465365 4204.146863853251 1097.756777240352 932.9359752750825 2863.819745575027 1080.770009994595 1091.461935169575 5540.655783321582 2103.355014935021 981.2901921173899 6734.449274027332 1022.898552155914 585.0752063572108 5469.347167593613 1059.660344678866 759.267725806506 7671.181471984821 1237.529526970747 509.55197194263 8943.62746925791 2624.078942844403 752.0595061074915 10279.91955671306 1415.711134580906 334.047597025496 8974.209388902214 1327.717874027521 405.4610195360919 10721.46633086484 2963.994001186635 759.9081808277986 13077.41155901679 1590.277701866867 253.7219867540444 11678.21725667659 1504.864702231298 283.3364480752804 19506.51158793661 4088.533115885863 1881.964121481511 17152.6495813788 3779.728804007736 1174.185696319032 15577.91566679019 4142.608804991374 1954.941123199822 17542.37831790932 4130.851996789283 1909.666075479562 14837.49676210787 1997.138943198846 302.1320053230559 18589.44564501638 1909.126326593105 286.3268542060674 16713.59138114622 1961.711153247665 286.1927995608365 21097.21973995324 3540.589644996645 1114.99955866695 22422.64149532454 1760.172428210805 324.620296052302 20506.61591518325 1841.812250430331 299.8159749979482 23521.97543190683 3871.216588756692 1876.896684318766 21515.60921146239 4004.396205735728 1867.416026253183 6785.254822750452 2582.968493172486 988.6690929548806 7726.494070227295 2785.361126632091 958.9662602822177 7223.012861590981 1920.23587378839 707.7346032992905 8113.254879296325 3456.34772104584 1343.402112346306 9326.58012316211 3318.026080421172 1097.45970719299 8524.917612249465 3063.331307412578 1014.464341136155 8437.827633371115 3990.254544486502 2106.886928893397 6657.091998103742 3255.749640263159 1371.762131952004 6970.991496631408 3884.992563136459 2065.484580689599 7539.672689293408 3715.094954160995 1688.908426813456 5400.922750735173 2818.327852251407 1268.69810868354 6093.3063313263 2700.648771131112 1130.392260339936 27457.69562088702 3394.574508877291 1926.159236965687 25056.26249874628 3123.295117052374 1151.143617355689 25493.75708414104 3666.707855517278 1885.926670407181 26186.09941993808 1512.765678275684 389.4515646787892 24305.37587144313 1642.607046982015 352.0387009715396 28950.15722979834 2477.530227192774 1232.876339999407 29955.12392068756 1154.292931270013 463.9891905343524 28071.73989204592 1338.097330459733 422.9352454223592 31369.91028027932 2643.554072875903 2015.534182505981 29419.26874133767 3050.796095086938 1962.976328931876 35295.36651871985 1423.610347701318 2177.479790352544 32954.30843629088 1565.749868710598 1340.88893700756 33351.48177779066 2092.673915776305 2078.300341493059 33835.80047432056 664.3223416714815 585.9920831508319 31900.23020414446 926.3731710400386 508.7902006793758 36365.66246775708 524.9770457252148 1430.459128685468 35464.38750872301 352.0924661296136 590.4175278990479 36872.61255318776 774.866193217279 2213.748084790649 13481.75349396657 3868.202858545705 1344.780651800049 11842.1210837251 4101.556300035078 2062.104850492002 13709.78254517532 4130.274485600777 2004.450126105371 10332.5200512884 3818.061886358073 1503.469951811529 10139.58286535076 4054.251223596207 2081.78458908139 11719.2630048889 3537.581856044008 1072.990002930171 10522.23137774246 3435.155462774573 1076.698290140729 13275.1223907593 2802.63990405123 566.5134129074322 3293.821775029461 2641.169562870487 1398.547952292226 4777.490796532852 3263.61529814889 1595.561673310013 4347.884851712498 2727.514960047093 1338.633987375578 3751.589484849073 3622.607867867166 2077.646897317863 5361.262645617719 3757.827152185981 2074.652443874514 1773.661135868705 2603.766059285095 1498.050110251933 1871.290828459322 3333.764997111568 1932.57852745293 1646.930266273825 1843.611851789574 1312.473959191461 2 3 0 57 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 7322.4146168487 -3370.548843535527 1371.780047579357 14959.63229684146 -3751.79182868632 1145.252127435705 10861.36305980403 -3646.019438946635 1242.2483813278 23099.61393048406 -3367.101255445194 1133.882973358895 19036.34515100163 -3663.636244913559 1109.980051691989 30897.848729121 -2084.123793193704 1291.258077679466 26996.17270195602 -2847.457199822327 1202.603445658042 34997.74135220671 -989.3794111035679 1442.773218578052 3971.5582620099 -2921.782693391516 1463.666833150908 14706.17406660297 -1940.107087044187 291.255529399595 12909.69452086486 -3715.966317402292 1178.377077887702 10831.0572218608 -1887.309206700462 395.0622432902241 12767.95862818223 -1922.502652799715 326.0780391952331 9090.150745815239 -3523.103374192871 1290.887271577522 7238.790230793457 -1740.406962870652 660.5026274979558 9032.34169373614 -1822.749095030304 497.9425906098739 7628.804986727593 -3883.404121805598 1956.591705008846 11399.35510336335 -4056.442985792119 1931.4911936397 9512.924756535176 -3984.702707987158 1934.700712151893 15446.13654143725 -4127.353799934369 1892.30931579803 13422.33239603251 -4101.834829655451 1904.634229871718 16998.21534413845 -3724.594460914438 1111.409891017053 19483.71810373034 -4085.941052632421 1870.386891379534 17465.08125680384 -4122.246003982777 1872.116560078584 21069.22442293606 -3530.967973303118 1104.383919738533 23517.0092441748 -3870.911728220425 1875.072607679332 21501.72292519346 -4002.88457544726 1860.687281449477 22417.57270422174 -1758.803416584669 324.0761839477752 18566.35225138686 -1898.796007749123 283.6449850868074 20492.529395257 -1835.886975773595 298.0135774373953 16636.36629923966 -1927.511226406132 278.5210134834751 25050.22576808891 -3122.29649463179 1149.58384954446 27456.69094395213 -3394.648059904265 1925.995490317201 25490.77046315372 -3666.587130296582 1884.908088529885 28949.67163402853 -2477.844935685118 1233.056629781255 31370.41502166113 -2643.752144382367 2015.939376552471 29419.01855223167 -3050.929297126163 1963.090860432045 29955.65890322713 -1154.629991383676 464.2234786902436 26185.08200152819 -1512.755744762276 389.396030513515 28071.50295384622 -1338.27996342663 423.0044299373898 24302.33413022189 -1641.931130683115 351.6971655400871 32956.49319883859 -1565.742263094974 1341.628573112465 35296.99975242894 -1423.276561840036 2177.92001279615 33352.5620940264 -2092.63557351705 2078.701064528279 36367.30179956995 -524.6388870851384 1430.892462837434 36873.41796969273 -774.6660972497425 2213.987359757517 33837.50877670887 -664.2509699625315 586.2821516935084 35465.23222847177 -352.0209589509412 590.5834718676206 31901.35881771282 -926.5244345341811 509.0390732881591 3777.519819993755 -1482.897888922792 1050.070324465411 1986.62857808639 -2489.315007192645 1444.266579419297 1894.373235537442 -1256.172152364774 1208.3345611088 3959.430328323282 -3545.045859575316 1946.224342242836 1976.204014399782 -3288.420207305534 1879.766371688784 5647.282844556636 -3144.523112869547 1420.310125669207 5793.809308042742 -3721.682558490414 1952.476177250854 5508.54282027761 -1609.864070491709 858.2510347094329 $EndNodes $Elements 15 285 1 285 0 1 15 1 1 1 0 2 15 1 2 2 0 3 15 1 3 3 0 4 15 1 4 4 0 5 15 1 5 5 1 2 1 4 6 1 6 7 6 7 8 7 8 9 8 2 1 3 1 4 10 2 9 11 9 10 12 10 11 13 11 3 1 4 1 4 14 3 12 15 12 13 16 13 14 17 14 1 1 5 1 20 18 3 15 19 15 16 20 16 17 21 17 18 22 18 19 23 19 20 24 20 21 25 21 22 26 22 23 27 23 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If you could help me with the generate of the .tpl file, I do believe following the numerous example that nadamak provides, I should be able to generate different quad mesh qualities for my model and similar models using the .tpl file. thank you so very much. I honestly await your response.