putyourlightson / craft-blitz

Intelligent static page caching for creating lightning-fast sites with Craft CMS.
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TypeError: Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query #579

Closed kerrig closed 7 months ago

kerrig commented 10 months ago

Please provide a clear and concise description of what the bug is, including: Steps to reproduce the issue.

  1. Make content change on any entry (any text change is fine).
  2. Save entry
  3. Confirm "Refreshing Blitz cache" job is in the queue
  4. Job gets stuck at 0% and continually retries until failure.
  5. Failure error is "TypeError: Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query"

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots of the error: CleanShot 2023-11-02 at 15 34 59@2x CleanShot 2023-11-02 at 15 34 50@2x

Failure screenshot from different environment/job: Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 3 45 25 PM

The plugin and Craft version numbers.

Recently upgraded to Craft 4 from Craft 3.8.11 and noticed these issues after the upgrade, not sure if its content related or plugin related as it's been hard to continually reproduce the issue between various environments.

Here's the full stack trace from the failure:

2023-11-02 18:06:22 [queue.INFO] [craft\queue\QueueLogBehavior::beforeExec]  [534919] Refreshing Blitz cache (attempt: 1, pid: 1015) - Started {"memory":8468264} 
2023-11-02 18:06:22 [queue.ERROR] [craft\queue\QueueLogBehavior::afterError]  [534919] Refreshing Blitz cache (attempt: 1, pid: 1015) - Error (time: 0.163s): Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query {"memory":8428736} 
2023-11-02 18:06:22 [queue.ERROR] [TypeError] TypeError: Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query in /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/helpers/RefreshCacheHelper.php:155
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(161): putyourlightson\blitz\helpers\RefreshCacheHelper::getElementQueryCacheIds(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\records\ElementQueryRecord), Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel))
#1 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(75): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->_populateCacheIdsFromElementQueryCaches(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel), Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#2 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/Queue.php(243): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->execute(Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#3 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Queue.php(147): yii\queue\Queue->handleMessage(534919, 'O:42:"putyourli...', 300, 1)
#4 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/queue/Queue.php(190): yii\queue\cli\Queue->handleMessage(534919, 'O:42:"putyourli...', 300, 1)
#5 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/queue/Queue.php(165): craft\queue\Queue->executeJob()
#6 [internal function]: craft\queue\Queue->craft\queue\{closure}(Object(Closure))
#7 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Queue.php(114): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
#8 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/queue/Queue.php(163): yii\queue\cli\Queue->runWorker(Object(Closure))
#9 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/controllers/QueueController.php(82): craft\queue\Queue->run()
#10 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/controllers/QueueController.php(103): craft\controllers\QueueController->actionRun()
#11 [internal function]: craft\controllers\QueueController->actionRetry()
#12 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#13 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#14 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): yii\base\Controller->runAction('retry', Array)
#15 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(305): yii\base\Module->runAction('queue/retry', Array)
#16 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(608): craft\web\Application->runAction('queue/retry', Array)
#17 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/web/Application.php(284): craft\web\Application->_processActionRequest(Object(craft\web\Request))
#18 /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): craft\web\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\web\Request))
#19 /var/www/html/breezeline/public/index.php(34): yii\base\Application->run()
#20 {main} {"memory":8428952,"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): Cannot assign array to property craft\\elements\\db\\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\\db\\Query at /var/www/html/breezeline/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/helpers/RefreshCacheHelper.php:155)"} 
2023-11-02 18:06:22 [queue.INFO] [application] Request context:
$_GET = [
    'p' => 'admin/actions/queue/retry'
    'v' => '1698948382458'

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

bencroker commented 10 months ago

Could you please clear and flush the cache to ensure that nothing is leftover from the previous version and then retest? If that doesn’t help, please send a dump of the blitz_elementqueries database table to support@putyourlightson.com so I can check whether there are any improperly formatted queries.

kerrig commented 10 months ago

@bencroker Thanks so much! Flushing the cache was the key.

I could've sworn we did that during our thrashing but apparently not, we just weren't sure where the root of the issue was, totally makes sense though that there was some old data hanging around.

bencroker commented 10 months ago

Glad to hear that solved it!

kerrig commented 9 months ago

@bencroker So unfortunately this is still happening. I thought flushing fixed it, and it seems to but only temporarily. It seemed to be two entries that are specifically failing/getting stuck but I'm not sure what they have that would cause that.

Attached is a zip of the blitz_elementqueries table since you mentioned that last time.

Any additional guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated! blitz_elementqueries.sql.gz

bencroker commented 9 months ago

Thanks, that’s helpful. I see lots of unusual element queries in the database dump you sent. Can you show me an example of how are you writing your element queries? Especially if doing something custom like specifying select or query parameters (craft.entries.select or craft.entries.query).

Also, it would be worthwhile updating to the latest version of Blitz, refreshing the cache and retesting, just to rule out something that may have already been fixed.

kerrig commented 9 months ago

Apologies for the delayed response. I'm a newcomer to this specific project having these issues but I'm not aware of any custom select or query parameters. Looking in the code for craft.entries.select or craft.entries.query doesn't return anything. Here's all of search results for craft.entries in the code that I can find:

{{ craft.entries({ section: 'hotspots' }).all() |map(hotspot => ({ title: hotspot.title, lat: hotspot.hotspotLocation.lat, lng: hotspot.hotspotLocation.lng, address: hotspot.hotspotLocation.address, state: hotspot.hotspotLocation.parts.state, city: hotspot.hotspotLocation.parts.city, })) |json_encode|e('html_attr') }}

{% set query = craft.entries({ section: 'news', newsType: 'article', newsResidentialOrBusiness: [ 'residential', 'both'] }).limit(50) %}

{% set query = craft.entries({ section: 'news', newsType: 'pressRelease', newsResidentialOrBusiness: [ 'both', 'residential'] }).limit(10) %}

{% set query = craft.entries({ section: 'news', newsType: 'article', newsResidentialOrBusiness: ['both' , 'business'] }).limit(50) %}

{% set query = craft.entries({ section: 'news', newsType: 'pressRelease', newsResidentialOrBusiness: [ 'business', 'both'] }).limit(10) %}

craft.entries({ section: category.section.handle, level: 1, type: 'category' }).all()

{% set root = craft.entries({ section: entry.section.handle ~ 'Page' }).one %}

Only the last one would apply to the pages that are consistently getting stuck/failing. The other thing to mention is this site is mostly built to use one content designer field for majority of the pages. Most of the content on the page is loaded through a macro that looks for a content designer block template.

{% macro renderBlock(block, blockLoop) %}{% apply spaceless %}
    {% import _self as macros %}
    {% if block.type == 'sharedSection' %}
        {% for subblock in block.sharedSection.all() %}
            {{ macros.renderAllBlocks(subblock.contentDesigner, loop) }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
        {% include ['/_components/blocks/' ~ block.type, '/_components/baseSection'] %}
    {% endif %}
{% endapply %}{% endmacro %}

{% macro renderAllBlocks(field) %}{% apply spaceless %}
    {% import _self as macros %}

    {% if field is not null %}
        {% for block in field.level(1).all() %}
            {{ macros.renderBlock(block, loop) }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endapply %}{% endmacro %}

Is there anything else specific I should try looking for that might be related to the unusual queries you mention? Is there a specific one that you see that you could point out so I can try to track down what templates / code it might be using to see if there's any custom code you mentioned?

bencroker commented 9 months ago

I’m unable to reproduce the issue locally and have verified that it works as expected with a unit test. Can you please update to the latest version of Blitz, clear and flush the cache and then see if you can reproduce it?

kerrig commented 9 months ago

@bencroker I've updated to the latest version and deployed that to a staging site. It seems as though clearing and flushing the cache works initially but then after it's been sitting for a little bit, the issue pops back up again. I thought it was a couple specific entries that were causing it that I could consistently reproduce the issue with but once I clear and flush the cache it doesn't happen with those entries any more, it starts happening with a different entry.

bencroker commented 9 months ago

I suppose the next step is to create a test repo and see if you can reproduce there. If you can then I’m happy to install it locally and troubleshoot from there.

bencroker commented 9 months ago

Any update on this, @kerrig?

kerrig commented 9 months ago

@bencroker Apologies, been wrapped up in other stuff, will hopefully get you an update by EOW.

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Closing due to inactivity. If you'd like me to test using a repo then please send details to support@putyourlightson.com and I'll take a look.

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

I'm getting this error as well with a similar version of Blitz and Craft:

I've been able to pair the issue down to a repeatable set of steps so I'm happy to supply a codebase/DB export if necessary, @bencroker.

Here's a step-by-step of what I'm doing:

1. Paired down a Blitz-cached template to the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    {{ craft.entries.section('healthWellnessEvent').relatedTo(entry).count() > 0 }}

2. Cleared all my caches

3. Refresh the test page to generate a Blitz-cached version of just that one page

4. Went in a random "Health Wellness Event" entry, changed just the post date, and saved

5. A "Refreshing Blitz cache" job begins and errors with the error noted in this PR.

2024-01-30 10:25:00 [80754] Refreshing Blitz cache (attempt: 1, pid: 96807) - Error (0.134 s)
> TypeError: Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(162): putyourlightson\blitz\helpers\RefreshCacheHelper::getElementQueryCacheIds(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\records\ElementQueryRecord), Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel))
#1 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(75): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->_populateCacheIdsFromElementQueryCaches(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel), Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#2 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/Queue.php(246): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->execute(Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#3 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Queue.php(162): yii\queue\Queue->handleMessage('80754', 'O:42:"putyourli...', '300', '1')
#4 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Command.php(146): yii\queue\cli\Queue->execute('80754', 'O:42:"putyourli...', '300', '1', '96807')
#5 [internal function]: yii\queue\cli\Command->actionExec('80754', '300', '1', '96807')
#6 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#7 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#8 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('exec', Array)
#9 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/ControllerTrait.php(90): yii\console\Controller->runAction('exec', Array)
#10 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): craft\queue\Command->runAction('exec', Array)
#11 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#12 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/Application.php(90): yii\console\Application->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#13 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): craft\console\Application->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#14 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/Application.php(121): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\console\Request))
#15 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): craft\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\console\Request))
#16 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/craft(23): yii\base\Application->run()
#17 {main}

After some manual tracing I believe the error lies in this loop.

The last iteration of this that gets ran before failure is the one where the $key is query. Here's a screenshot of what Ray gave me when I did a dump of this info:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 10 37 53 AM

bencroker commented 7 months ago

@aaronbushnell thanks for the details, but your Blitz version is far behind the current version 4.10.3. Can you please update to this version, refresh the cache, and retest?

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Hey @bencroker, sure thing. I updated to 4.10.3 and my Craft version to 4.7.1. Unfortunately, seeing the same thing! Here's my final Ray output in that same loop before it quits:

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 8 02 27 PM

And here's the full error I got from the queue:

2024-01-30 20:01:22 [80111] Refreshing Blitz cache (attempt: 1, pid: 4185) - Error (0.171 s)
> TypeError: Cannot assign array to property craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::$query of type ?craft\db\Query
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/helpers/RefreshCacheHelper.php(145): putyourlightson\blitz\helpers\RefreshCacheHelper::getElementQueryWithParams('craft\\elements\\...', Array)
#1 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(156): putyourlightson\blitz\helpers\RefreshCacheHelper::getElementQueryCacheIds(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\records\ElementQueryRecord), Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel))
#2 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/src/jobs/RefreshCacheJob.php(74): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->_populateCacheIdsFromElementQueryCaches(Object(putyourlightson\blitz\models\RefreshDataModel), Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#3 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/Queue.php(243): putyourlightson\blitz\jobs\RefreshCacheJob->execute(Object(craft\queue\Queue))
#4 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Queue.php(162): yii\queue\Queue->handleMessage('80111', 'O:42:"putyourli...', '300', '1')
#5 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2-queue/src/cli/Command.php(146): yii\queue\cli\Queue->execute('80111', 'O:42:"putyourli...', '300', '1', '4185')
#6 [internal function]: yii\queue\cli\Command->actionExec('80111', '300', '1', '4185')
#7 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/InlineAction.php(57): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
#8 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Controller.php(178): yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)
#9 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Controller.php(180): yii\base\Controller->runAction('exec', Array)
#10 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/ControllerTrait.php(90): yii\console\Controller->runAction('exec', Array)
#11 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Module.php(552): craft\queue\Command->runAction('exec', Array)
#12 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(180): yii\base\Module->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#13 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/Application.php(91): yii\console\Application->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#14 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/console/Application.php(147): craft\console\Application->runAction('queue/exec', Array)
#15 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/craftcms/cms/src/console/Application.php(122): yii\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\console\Request))
#16 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/base/Application.php(384): craft\console\Application->handleRequest(Object(craft\console\Request))
#17 /Users/abushnell/Code/REDACTED/app/craft(23): yii\base\Application->run()
#18 {main}
bencroker commented 7 months ago

Thanks. Can you now please navigate to the Blitz Diagnostics utility and see if you can track down any entry queries that have a query in their params? You should be able to drill into the page, then Entry element query type.

Here’s what I see when I replicate your example.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 19 19 54

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

I actually get the same error! Here's the URL I'm at:


Screenshot 2024-01-30 at 10 08 48 PM

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Yeah, that makes sense, since the diagnostics tool runs the query to generate and render the raw SQL.

I’ve made it so that invalid params no longer throw an error. Please install this locally by running composer require "putyourlightson/craft-blitz:dev-develop as 4.11.0" and then revisiting the diagnostics utility. You should then see Invalid params next to any element queries that have invalid parameters.

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

That worked great and now the queued task no longer fails, @bencroker!

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 9 44 19 AM

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Great. That query param (the one that contains "select") is curious, can you paste it here? Any idea where it might be coming from?

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Absolutely! Here's the output. My guess is this is coming from the .relatedTo() parameter on that test template because that's effectively the only query being executed in this test!

                  "INNER JOIN",
                  "[[entries.id]] = [[elements.id]]"

            "INNER JOIN",
            "[[elements.id]] = [[subquery.elementsId]]"
            "INNER JOIN",
            "[[elements_sites.id]] = [[subquery.elementsSitesId]]"
            "INNER JOIN",
            "[[entries.id]] = [[subquery.elementsId]]"

bencroker commented 7 months ago

The strange thing is that when I put craft.entries.section('mySection').relatedTo(entry).count() into a template and visit it, there is no query param on the element query. You’re only doing that, no eager-loading, right?

Also, can you double check that you’ve reached this entry query via Tracked Pages, rather than going directly through the Tracked Element Queries?

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Correct, no eager-loading! However, I do apologize, I was getting to this screen using this flow:

Tracked pages -> [page] -> Tracked element queries -> [query]

Here's a screenshot of what I was clicking on! path

bencroker commented 7 months ago

So, that’s strange. Why would Blitz track 3 entries and 1 asset when all you’re doing is outputting a count? Something isn’t quite adding up. Any chance you could retest with an empty template with just one single entry query?

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Ahh, I see why now @bencroker. It's because, even though my template is effectively empty, SEOmatic is injecting the JSON-LD schema which contains parent pages and the Open Graph image!

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Ok, so SEOmatic is executing queries you didn’t explicitly specify. Is this on the latest version of SEOmatic?

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Well, I actually do expect these because this data is being generated using SEOmatic's JSON-LD schema builder. Because that contains a "breadcrumbs" attribute it's giving me the three queries for each parent page to generate that. And then the Asset is our globally-assigned image in SEOmatic's settings!

So these are expected on my end!

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Mystery solved!

aaronbushnell commented 7 months ago

Really appreciate the help, Ben! 🍻

bencroker commented 7 months ago

I’ve now explicitly excluded query and subquery params, in case they’ve been set, in https://github.com/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/commit/5844530d86e280b431cf08821b42124d95596d9d.

Running composer update in your dev environment should get you that change, which should then fix the tracked entry query.

bencroker commented 7 months ago

Released in 4.11.0.