putyourlightson / craft-blitz

Intelligent static page caching for creating lightning-fast sites with Craft CMS.
149 stars 36 forks source link

Make "Exclude URI Patterns" Case Insensitive #700

Closed philipboomy closed 3 months ago

philipboomy commented 3 months ago

Bug Report

I think this is a bug. Adding "^my-voucher" in Exclude URI Patterns should prevent pages with "/My-Voucher" getting cached imo however "/My-Voucher" is getting cached. We never know when a website visitor uses uppercases and entering all the potential combinations is impossible.

Diagnostics Report

Application Info

Installed Plugins

Loaded Modules

Blitz Plugin Settings

    "debug": false,
    "hintsEnabled": true,
    "cachingEnabled": false,
    "refreshCacheEnabled": true,
    "refreshMode": 1,
    "includedUriPatterns": [
            "uriPattern": ".*"
    "excludedUriPatterns": {

        "0": {
            "uriPattern": "^my-voucher"
        "1": {
            "uriPattern": "^My-Voucher"
    "cacheStorageType": "putyourlightson\\blitz\\drivers\\storage\\FileStorage",
    "cacheStorageSettings": {
        "folderPath": "@webroot\/cache\/blitz",
        "compressCachedValues": ""
    "cacheStorageTypes": [],
    "cacheGeneratorType": "putyourlightson\\blitz\\drivers\\generators\\HttpGenerator",
    "cacheGeneratorSettings": {
        "concurrency": "3"
    "cacheGeneratorTypes": [],
    "customSiteUris": [],
    "cachePurgerType": "putyourlightson\\blitz\\drivers\\purgers\\DummyPurger",
    "cachePurgerSettings": [],
    "cachePurgerTypes": [],
    "deployerType": "putyourlightson\\blitz\\drivers\\deployers\\DummyDeployer",
    "deployerSettings": [],
    "deployerTypes": [],
    "ssiEnabled": false,
    "ssiTagFormat": "<!--#include virtual=\"{uri}\" -->",
    "detectSsiEnabled": true,
    "esiEnabled": false,
    "queryStringCaching": 2,
    "includedQueryStringParams": [
            "queryStringParam": ".*"
    "excludedQueryStringParams": {
        "0": {
            "queryStringParam": "gclid"
        "2": {
            "queryStringParam": "page"
    "apiKey": "",
    "generatePagesWithQueryStringParams": true,
    "purgeAssetImagesWhenChanged": true,
    "refreshCacheAutomaticallyForGlobals": true,
    "refreshCacheWhenElementMovedInStructure": true,
    "refreshCacheWhenElementSavedUnchanged": false,
    "refreshCacheWhenElementSavedNotLive": false,
    "cacheNonHtmlResponses": false,
    "trackElements": true,
    "trackElementQueries": true,
    "excludedTrackedElementQueryParams": [],
    "cacheElements": true,
    "cacheElementQueries": true,
    "cacheDuration": null,
    "nonCacheableElementTypes": [],
    "sourceIdAttributes": [],
    "liveStatuses": [],
    "integrations": [
    "defaultCacheControlHeader": "no-store",
    "cacheControlHeader": "public, s-maxage=31536000, max-age=0",
    "cacheControlHeaderExpired": "public, max-age=5",
    "sendPoweredByHeader": true,
    "outputComments": true,
    "refreshCacheJobPriority": 10,
    "driverJobBatchSize": 100,
    "driverJobPriority": 100,
    "queueJobTtr": 300,
    "maxRetryAttempts": 10,
    "maxUriLength": 255,
    "mutexTimeout": 1,
    "commands": [],
    "injectScriptEvent": "DOMContentLoaded",
    "injectScriptPosition": 3


Site Tracking

bencroker commented 3 months ago

Technically speaking, /my-voucher and /My-Voucher are different URIs.

This question was answered and suggestions were provided in https://github.com/putyourlightson/craft-blitz/issues/623#issuecomment-1969071678. Let me know if any of them work for you.

philipboomy commented 3 months ago

Thanks. That all makes sense and your proposed solution will sort this.

Tried searching for closed issues but missed this one.