putyourlightson / craft-campaign

Send and manage email campaigns, contacts and mailing lists in Craft CMS.
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importJobTtr config ignored in config #445

Closed arifje closed 11 months ago

arifje commented 11 months ago

I've created a campaign.php in my config folder, set importJobTtr to 1500, but it keeps using 300 seconds (and keeps timing out).

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 12 35 49

When I change importJobTtr in the SettingsModel.php, it works though.

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 12 34 59

Looks like the custom config file is ignored for this setting.

Campaign 2.10.0 Craft Pro 4.5.12

bencroker commented 11 months ago

Can you share your full campaign.php config file so I can take a look? (your screenshot shows a different config setting)

arifje commented 11 months ago


 * @copyright Copyright (c) PutYourLightsOn

 * Campaign config.php
 * This file exists only as a template for the Campaign settings.
 * It does nothing on its own.
 * Don't edit this file, instead copy it to 'craft/config' as 'campaign.php'
 * and make your changes there to override default settings.
 * Once copied to 'craft/config', this file will be multi-environment aware as
 * well, so you can have different settings groups for each environment, just as
 * you do for 'general.php'

return [
    '*' => [
        // Whether to enable anonymous tracking
        //'enableAnonymousTracking' => false,

        // Setting to true will save email messages into local files (in storage/runtime/debug/mail) rather than actually sending them
        //'testMode' => false,

        // An API key to use for triggering tasks and notifications (min. 16 characters)
        //'apiKey' => 'aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP',

        // A webhook signing key provided by Mailgun to validate incoming webhook requests
        //mailgunWebhookSigningKey => 'key-aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP',

        // The allowed IP addresses for incoming webhook requests from Postmark
        //postmarkAllowedIpAddresses => [
        //    '',
        //    '',
        //    '',
        //    '',

        // The AJAX origins that should be allowed to access live preview
        //'allowedOrigins' => [
        //    'https://primary-domain.com',

        // Whether verification emails should be sent via the Craft mailer, instead of the Campaign mailer
        //'sendVerificationEmailsViaCraft' => false,

        // The from names and emails that sendouts can be sent from
        //'fromNamesEmails' => [
        //    ['Zorro','legend@zorro.com','legend@zorro.com',1],
        //    ['Don Diego','dondiego@zorro.com','',1],

        // The transport type that should be used
        //'transportType' => 'putyourlightson\sendgrid\mail\SendgridAdapter',

        // The transport type’s settings
        //'transportSettings' => ['apiKey' => 'aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP'],

        // Default notification contact IDs
        //'defaultNotificationContactIds' = [1],

        // The maximum size of sendout batches
        'maxBatchSize' => 1000,

        // The memory usage limit per sendout batch in bytes or a shorthand byte value (set to -1 for unlimited)
        'memoryLimit' => '16384M',

        // The execution time limit per sendout batch in seconds (set to 0 for unlimited)
        'timeLimit' => 0,

        // The threshold for memory usage per sendout batch as a fraction
        //'memoryThreshold' => 0.8,

        // The threshold for execution time per sendout batch as a fraction
        //'timeThreshold' => 0.8,

        // The amount of time in seconds to delay jobs between sendout batches
        'batchJobDelay' => 30,

        // The maximum number of times to attempt sending a sendout to a single contact before failing
        //'maxSendAttempts' => 3,

        // The maximum number of failed attempts to send to contacts that are allowed before failing the entire sendout
        //'maxSendFailuresAllowed' => 1,

        // The maximum number of times to attempt retrying a failed sendout job
        //'maxRetryAttempts' => 10,

                // The amount of time in seconds to reserve a sendout job
                'sendoutJobTtr' => 900,

                // The priority to give the sendout cache job (the lower the number, the higher the priority)
                //'sendoutJobPriority' => 10,

                // The amount of time in seconds to reserve an import job
                'importJobTtr' => 1500,

                // The priority to give the import job (the lower the number, the higher the priority).
                //'importJobPriority' => 2048,

                // The amount of time in seconds to reserve a sync job
                'syncJobTtr' => 1500,

        // Enable GeoIP to geolocate contacts by their IP addresses
        //'geoIp' => false,

        // The ipstack.com API key
        //'ipstackApiKey' => 'aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP',

        // Enable reCAPTCHA to protect mailing list subscription forms from bots
        //'reCaptcha' => false,

        // The reCAPTCHA site key
        //'reCaptchaSiteKey' => 'aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP',

        // The reCAPTCHA secret key
        //'reCaptchaSecretKey' => 'aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoP',

        // The reCAPTCHA error message
        //'reCaptchaErrorMessage' => 'Your form submission was blocked. Please go back and verify that you are human.',

        // The maximum number of pending contacts to store per email address and mailing list
        //'maxPendingContacts' => 5,

        // The amount of time to wait before purging pending contacts in seconds or as an interval (0 for disabled)
        //'purgePendingContactsDuration' => 0,

        // Extra fields and their operators that should be available to segments
        //'extraSegmentFieldOperators' => [
        //    'mmikkel\incognitofield\fields\IncognitoFieldType' => [
        //        '=' => 'is',
        //        '!=' => 'is not',
        //        'like' => 'contains',
        //        'not like' => 'does not contain',
        //        'like v%' => 'starts with',
        //        'not like v%' => 'does not start with',
        //        'like %v' => 'ends with',
        //        'not like %v' => 'does not end with',
        //    ]
bencroker commented 11 months ago

Thanks, I believe I’ve tracked down the issue and fixed in https://github.com/putyourlightson/craft-campaign/commit/d64bdeb3188c438bce2127460988f95a617f8934.

You can test this by running composer require "putyourlightson/craft-campaign:dev-develop as 2.11.1".

bencroker commented 11 months ago

Released in 2.12.0.