puuu / ESPiLight

ESPiLight - pilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
109 stars 41 forks source link

Request for a protocol #40

Closed YordanYanakiev closed 4 years ago

YordanYanakiev commented 5 years ago

Hello. I have piles of these https://www.ebay.com/itm/Restaurant-Wireless-Guest-Waiter-Calling-System-2-Receiver-Host-50-Button-Pagers/173181088620?hash=item285265b36c:g:AXUAAOSwTlFak6Xt and tons of these : https://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Green-Call-Button-Pagers-for-Wireless-Restaurant-Calling-Paging-Sysatem-HOT/312188912487?hash=item48afe8c367:g:F5QAAOSw65FXrYf5

And I would like to use them with ESPiLight. Currently testing with RXB6 module, and in raw format seems like I am receiving the data. The problem is that I have no idea how to parse it into a readable string. I am just not sure about the protocol. My question is - if You have pass trough such a device or can help me understanding the protocol of these things.

puuu commented 4 years ago

Please check the readme. New protocols should be report to the pilight project.