puuu / ESPiLight

ESPiLight - pilight 433.92 MHz protocols library for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
109 stars 41 forks source link

Regression: ESPiLight does not work while 16.2 works #59

Open redflo opened 3 years ago

redflo commented 3 years ago

Using the example Receive.ino with RXB6 or SRX822 Receivers works with 16.0 and 16.2. Temperature sensors, Smoke sensors, Swithes ... nearby are detected. Many messages arrive, and some of them have state "VALID". With 17.0 almost no message arrives, sometimes a clarius_switch, thats all. Zero VALID messages. Looking at Receive_Raw, way more raw messages arrive with version 16.2 or 16.0.