pvarki / docker-atak-server

Dockerfiles for building TAK server Java stuff and creating images
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Quick toolbar ja toolbar muokkaus #32

Open nhaapa opened 1 year ago

nhaapa commented 1 year ago

Poistetaan valikoista turhat toiminnot:

Nostetaan quick toolbariin:

Street3r commented 7 months ago

Note that this only work in ATAK and for some parts in WinTAK. This is not a feature of iTAK.

The default quick toolbar should most likely consist of: Quick Pic, Point Dropper, Data Sync, Contacts, Maps & Favorites and Overlay Manager.

Other not in any use tools should be hidden to declutter the hamburger menu. These hidden ones can be set to be visible to leader profiled users or chosen tools. Also there can be multiple premade toolbars for different user profiles. The default hidden ones could be: Red X Tool, CASEVAC, Radio Controls, Track History, Alert, Rubber Sheet, Elevation Tools, Resection Tool, Drawing Tools and Lasso Tool.

In the hamburger menu, there should be only one of the route / navigation tools. I recommend Bloodhound because it is easy to use and has the most useful features of the other tools. By default there is: Routes, Bloodhound, Go To.

This configuration can be included in the users server connection package or they can be sent by the server when the user connects to it. The configuration is done in a .pref file and it can be independent from the basic user configuration.

nhaapa commented 6 months ago

ATAK:n osalta nousseet seuraavat profiilit: **- kiväärimies

To do: