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pvdevelop starts command line #14

Open DOEResearch opened 5 years ago

DOEResearch commented 5 years ago

when running the command pvdevelop it returns a command line:


Develop pvserver for pvbrowser

#################################################### usage: pvdevelop <-action=> <-programming_language=language> <-fake_qmake> <-h> project example: pvdevelop pvs example: pvdevelop -action=writeInitialProject pvs -action=writeInitialProject -action=insertMask -action=make -action=makeModbus -action=makeSiemensTCP -action=makePPI -action=uncommentRLLIB -action=uncommentModbus -action=uncommentSiemensTCP -action=uncommentPPI -action=writeStartscript -action=writeDimension:: -action=importUi: -action=exportUi: -action=designerUi: -action=dumpTranslations -programming_language=<Lua|Python>

I'm expecting a graphical interface. Am I doing something wrong?

pvbrowser commented 5 years ago

if you run pvdevelop without any parameter or with the name of a project_file.pro only you will get the graphical user interface.

Some operations are possible in batch mode, where no GUI is necessary (No Window is opened). For example: pvdevelop -action=writeInitialProject will generate an empty pvserver project with the files: main.cpp Makefile mask1.cpp mask1_slots.h pvapp.h pvs.pro pvs.pvproject

If you run "pvdevelop -h" the usage of pvdevelop will be shown.

DOEResearch commented 5 years ago

Now I get this error when running pvdevelop or pvdevelop project_file.pro

root@kali:~/Downloads# pvdevelop project_file.pro

[27919:27919:0918/092738.980667:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(90)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See https://crbug.com/638180.

Tried running with --no-sandbox and got the help command line again.

pvbrowser commented 5 years ago

You are running pvdevelop as root (super user).

Please run pvdevelop as normal user. Please (in the first try) run pvdevelop without any parameters.