pvcbuild / pvc

PVC -- Scaffold, Build, Publish -- Composable, extensible builds in .NET created by @stirno
MIT License
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File Globbing #2

Closed stirno closed 10 years ago

stirno commented 10 years ago

Support for file globbing in pvc.Source()

msarchet commented 10 years ago

Do you want this to work like file globbing in Glup?

stirno commented 10 years ago

Fastest response to an issue ever. :+1:

Ya, just want to expand the glob into the series of FileStreams that we build in Source. Should be pretty quick.

msarchet commented 10 years ago

Potentially would be easiest to leverage Directory.GetFiles(path, search, SearchOptions.AllDirectories) then.

Also I was looking and saw the issue go up : D