pvcbuild / pvc

PVC -- Scaffold, Build, Publish -- Composable, extensible builds in .NET created by @stirno
MIT License
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Plugin: xUnit test execution #20

Closed stirno closed 10 years ago

stirno commented 10 years ago

Execute a test suite with xUnit

kwonoj commented 10 years ago

I've tried to make one for this at https://github.com/kwonoj/pvc-xunit , based on v1 xunit test runner implementation.

pauljz commented 10 years ago

Plugin looks great! @stirno is out of town on holiday, but should be able to get to the Watsi donation as soon as he's back.

stirno commented 10 years ago

Thanks very much @kwonoj! Donation made in your name to https://watsi.org/profile/9fd04277984a-juvensio! Plugin looks great!