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Spline fitting failure because of rounding #1311

Closed Antoine-0 closed 2 years ago

Antoine-0 commented 2 years ago


I'm doing an internship about SDM and DDM parameter extraction from experimental IV curves and I've begun to use pvlib (by the way, thank you for the great documentation, it was really helpful to understand the library !). After some tinkering with my data, I got errors in numpy.linalg but I found out it boils down to the _schumaker_qspline function. #1235 I don't know if this is really a bug, or if it is already known (the only issue that mentioned the qspline #1228 maybe briefly talks about it) After some analysis, here is what I understand :

Describe the bug

It all starts in the first else of the 5th step of algo 4.1 of the Schumaker publication, (lines 313-314 of pvlib.ivtools.utils.py) :

a = s_i - \deltai b = s{i+1} - \delta_i

the former difference can at some points lead to numerical residues : i.e. b_i = -1e-18 instead of 0. It can lead to a_i * b_i being negative but really small and thus pass the next if of the algorithm.

But the computation of xi afterwards might lead to rounding of this really small value and in the end we can get xi_i = t_i

This will induce a division by zero in the definition of eta_i (line 354 of utils.py). No problem so far but this np.inf will become np.nan after other calculations. These np.nan will thwart the execution of the coming mean() and cumsum() functions. In the end, it is the least_squares fitting function that throws an error because in cannot converge when one of its arguments is an array of np.nan

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Load the following zip file : data_to_reproduce.zip
  2. Extract the files
  3. Run reproduce_bug.py in the same folder as the three .txt and the two .npz
  4. See error : numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares*

So far the only indices where the division by zero occur are within the w indices. In the data provided, I sometimes found other indices where b was really small and a * b negative without leading to a division by zero because rounding did not occur (e.g. xi was 32.0000000000004 and uu 32). I've only checked for the first five curves but it is always the same :

there are some indices where xi == uu. At those indices, w is True and v and z are False. The b values at those indices are really small (max 1e-14) and aa * b at those indices is negative (were it really should be equal to 0)

Expected behavior IMHO, a test should be added after the computation of aa and b, and if they are close to zero, they should be rounded to ensure proper behaviour of the upcoming tests. Let me know if you can reproduce this and what you think of it. I think the actual treatment of NaNs is good, replacing mean by nanmean will not do good in the long run. I realized that smoothing the data could significantly reduce the number of errors but not all of them, so that is why I decided to open this issue.


cwhanse commented 2 years ago

@Antoine-0 Thanks very much for this detailed and complete report. I can reproduce the outcome you report.

I'm not opposed to what you propose: some internal checks to the private function _schumaker_qspline that could raise a more informative error. And to adding to the documentation of fit_desoto_sandia (and similar) to more clearly communicate expectations for the input data.

The source of the problem here appears to be the input data.

The voltages contain negative and duplicate values. These algorithms are untested with negative voltages or currents, and are almost certain to fail with duplicate voltage values. Also, the current values appear to have a precision issue: for example, in the first IV curve, the current corresponding to many low voltages is one of 10.342, 10.327, 10.32, or 10.313. The lack of monotonically non-increasing current is also likely to create issues with the spline fit, which is attempting to return a sequence of quadratic splines that together are concave downward.

The rectify_iv_curve function is provided as an aid to cleaning up IV data for these fitting algorithms. I passed the IV curve data through that function and still get fitting failures. I suspect for these data you will need to subsample, or smooth, in order to get the spline to fit.

Antoine-0 commented 2 years ago

Exactly, the issue comes from the input data, even after using rectify_iv_curve which is done just before the call to _fit_sandia_cocontent. Like you said, I have precision issues, so I removed voltage duplicates and smoothed the data with a scipy.signal.savgol with a window of 51 before using pvlib. For the dataset that I've given above, I do not get errors anymore, but for another one, I still get issues between V_mpp and V_oc. Since I still get errors with a quite clean IV curve, I decided to investigate further and create this issue.

I will look at what changes in the function behaviour if I round aa and b when they are smaller than 1e-10. But anyway, _schumaker_qspline could also raise an error, and not just a warning when dividing by zero.

EDIT : well I've only added b[np.isclose(b, 0, atol=EPS)] = 0. after the definition of b in _schumaker_qspline.py and it works fine so far.

cwhanse commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for running this to ground. I agree with you that the code needs to handle floating point round-off error; that's not something I considered when writing the original Matlab function.

These two lines:

    aa = s[:-1] - delta
    b = s[1:] - delta

should assign aa=0 and b=0 using that isclose function. I'm not sure that applying the function to b only would be sufficient for all data (but it could be). I went back and read the references again, and when either aa or b are zero (or within roundoff error of zero), then the interval should get a knot (t0 is True on line 322).

Do you want to submit a PR?

Antoine-0 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I can submit a PR with the following additional lines : aa[np.isclose(aa, 0, atol=EPS)] = 0. b[np.isclose(b, 0, atol=EPS)] = 0. Could you please create a new branch for this, I don't think I can right now. Thanks in advance.

cwhanse commented 2 years ago

You can create a branch in your own fork, and make the pull request from there. Instructions are here. I'm happy to do the PR if you'd prefer.

Antoine-0 commented 2 years ago

Well, I tried to make a PR but it seems that all the checks are failing, I'll look it up again tomorrow