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New weather module? #2129

Closed AdamRJensen closed 1 month ago

AdamRJensen commented 1 month ago

2124 is adding a new function to estimate wind speed at different heights. In the PR there's a discussion about whether adding a new wind module makes sense given that we aren't sure there'll ever be more wind functions. @cwhanse brought up the idea of adding it to the temperature module (https://github.com/pvlib/pvlib-python/issues/2124#issuecomment-2221299596). Personally, I don't think adding it to the temperature module is a great fit either, as this would change the scope of this module significantly.

Therefore, as a compromise, I suggest creating a new module named weather, that can host functions related to, you guessed it, weather (e.g., humidity, wind speed, pressure). The temperature module can then be reserved for functions related specifically to module temperature, which I think was its original purpose (the documentation title is "PV temperature models").

A potential new weather module would also be a great fit for #1744. Last, I could easily imagine other weather-related models being added in the future (and we avoid having modules named humidity, wind, pressure, etc.).

@IoannisSifnaios, @RDaxini

kandersolar commented 1 month ago

avoid having modules named humidity, wind, pressure

Just an idea: does pvlib.atmosphere already offer a suitable home for such functionality?

RDaxini commented 1 month ago

Using pvlib.atmopshere seems like a good idea to me Seems within the scope. From a couple of the examples already stated: humidity would support pvlib.atmosphere.gueymard94_pw, pressure would support pvlib.atmosphere.get_absolute_airmass (we do already have pvlib.atmosphere.pres2alt there)

Just my thoughts...

AdamRJensen commented 1 month ago

To me, atmosphere is related to the 11 km column of aerosols above us, e.g., quantities such as airmass and precipitable water vapor. This seems in line with the current module title "Airmass and atmospheric models". Therefore, I would not expect to find, functions concerning near-ground weather in this module, thus I'm still leaning towards a new weather module. Here's a few ideas of function types that might fit in this module: conversion between absolute and relative humidity, conversion of north/east wind speed to direction, etc.

PLEASE SHARE YOUR OPINION 👍Thumb up if you would like a new weather module 👎Thumb down if you want these function in the existing atmosphere module

@pvlib/pvlib-core, @echedey-ls, @RDaxini, @IoannisSifnaios, others

cwhanse commented 1 month ago

I'm not fond of the name weather, for the sole reason that ModelChain methods (most of them) have a weather parameter.

adriesse commented 1 month ago

I'm not strongly in favour or against. Creation of new modules seems a bit too ad hoc in general, so perhaps I would lean toward using atmosphere mainly because it avoids that. I also have no problem with the wind speed functions being in the temperature module because that's what they're used for in pv modeling

wholmgren commented 1 month ago

Here's UCAR's definition of weather:

Weather is the mix of events that happen each day in our atmosphere. Weather is different in different parts of the world and changes over minutes, hours, days and weeks.

I think that fits well with the weather parameter in ModelChain methods. I do not think it fits well with a module that implements physical and semi-empirical relationships between meteorological variables.

echedey-ls commented 1 month ago

I prefer pvlib.atmosphere to some extent, because it just makes sense to have it all near the same place. But I would heavily consider namespacing each set of functions, e.g.:

AdamRJensen commented 1 month ago

As always I'm thrilled that we have such a great community that's willing to give different perspectives on ideas, pushing pvlib to be greater than any one of us could achieve - thanks @adriesse, @wholmgren, @kandersolar, @cwhanse, @RDaxini!

@IoannisSifnaios let's proceed with adding the wind speed function in #2124 to the atmosphere module