pvpgn / pvpgn-magic-builder

Ultimate program for building PvPGN on Windows
MIT License
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Create UKR.bat #5

Closed RElesgoe closed 10 years ago

RElesgoe commented 10 years ago

Ukranian translation

HarpyWar commented 10 years ago

Thanks. Please, update the Code Page - it can be known using command chcp in the windows command prompt on the OS for which translation was made.

RElesgoe commented 10 years ago

My translator's computer is set to Russian so the codepage is 866 and we haven't tested the file for issues yet. Both languages use cyrillic so will it matter?

HarpyWar commented 10 years ago

According to this http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb896001.aspx - yes the code page for ukrainian language equals with russian (866).