pvrs12 / Anesidora

Anesidora - Pandora extension for Firefox
31 stars 8 forks source link

V2 new player #55

Closed pvrs12 closed 4 years ago

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

This has quite a few changes from @hucario and myself. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

@hucario This is getting towards ready. I've made a few changes to ensure that all of the code is consistent (I've always been a double quotes quy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

There were some theming issues on Chrome for the options page, it didn't place nicely with the button color. What I've done for this is quickly detected if it's running on chrome and simply set --color=auto if that's the case. It ain't beautiful, but it is legible. The one exception to that is the Save button for which I've removed the !important tag. The consequence of which is a slightly less beautiful on firefox when a Light theme is used.

Additionally, I believe I've fixed the issues with the station list not loading the album art on the correct one. Some fancy hullabaloo with needing to know what the previous station was before changing the song. Not a huge issue in the end, but was funky to figure out.

Finally, I tested this on Android. It runs "fine" which is all it has ever done on Android. The larger UI makes button presses easier. It's not a market I'm particularly concerned about (sorry to all 46 of the android users...)

Are there any last changes you're hoping to slip into this before v2 @hucario? I've still got a few hours of work to do to update the store pages and screenshots for the application.

I'd also like to setup a theme repository and link to it on the Themes page, but that can be tossed in later.

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

https://pvrs12.github.io/AnesidoraThemes/ ^ something like this, but ya know... better

hucario commented 4 years ago

Nice! Sorry I've taken so long to get to this.

  • Bugfix for station change failing for the first song

Oh! I didn't notice that, somehow.


  • Updated formatting to 4 spaces
  • Removed some trailing whitespace

Whoopsie. I must've missed a few tabs.

  • Changed "images/New" to "images/new" to be consistent with other naming

Yeah, I thought I should change it but by that point it was already referenced in a lot of places, thanks.

@hucario This is getting towards ready. I've made a few changes to ensure that all of the code is consistent (I've always been a double quotes quy ¯_(ツ)_/¯).

What are you, a masochist? Having to press singlequote AND shift every time you open/close a string is fun for you? /s

There were some theming issues on Chrome for the options page, it didn't place nicely with the button color. What I've done for this is quickly detected if it's running on chrome and simply set --color=auto if that's the case. It ain't beautiful, but it is legible. The one exception to that is the Save button for which I've removed the !important tag. The consequence of which is a slightly less beautiful on firefox when a Light theme is used.

Thanks - I don't use Chrome, so I also couldn't do anything about that. (I code on a computer with 2 gigs of ram, which means no linting and no Chrome. I code using what is effectively GNU Notepad, although it has syntax highlighting and bracket matching so that's pretty nice.)

Additionally, I believe I've fixed the issues with the station list not loading the album art on the correct one. Some fancy hullabaloo with needing to know what the previous station was before changing the song. Not a huge issue in the end, but was funky to figure out.

Oh, I thought I fixed that. Thanks!

Finally, I tested this on Android. It runs "fine" which is all it has ever done on Android. The larger UI makes button presses easier. It's not a market I'm particularly concerned about (sorry to all 46 of the android users...)


Are there any last changes you're hoping to slip into this before v2 @hucario? I've still got a few hours of work to do to update the store pages and screenshots for the application.

Not that I can think of, you've covered all the things I wasn't quite sure about.

I'd also like to setup a theme repository and link to it on the Themes page, but that can be tossed in later. https://pvrs12.github.io/AnesidoraThemes/ ^ something like this, but ya know... better

That looks fine. It performs its function well. I'll contribute some themes to that to help get it started.

also, a quick note: image quite the contrast there lol

hucario commented 4 years ago

Update: uh-oh image turns out you can't just 'auto' text color if you don't also 'auto' background color. whoopsie. working on a fix, one sec

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

What are you, a masochist? Having to press singlequote AND shift every time you open/close a string is fun for you? /s

I come from a Java/C++ background, it's habit... I'm also a masochist

Thanks - I don't use Chrome, so I also couldn't do anything about that. (I code on a computer with 2 gigs of ram, which means no linting and no Chrome. I code using what is effectively GNU Notepad, although it has syntax highlighting and bracket matching so that's pretty nice.)

That's a heckin rig. Running vim?

Oh, I thought I fixed that. Thanks! I'm like 99% sure you did, and then I re-broke it as I was working on the not playing first song thing, so I had to fix it a different way

quite the contrast there lol

gotta appeal to all the people

hucario commented 4 years ago

What are you, a masochist? Having to press singlequote AND shift every time you open/close a string is fun for you? /s

I come from a Java/C++ background, it's habit... I'm also a masochist

You have to be if you code Java.

Thanks - I don't use Chrome, so I also couldn't do anything about that. (I code on a computer with 2 gigs of ram, which means no linting and no Chrome. I code using what is effectively GNU Notepad, although it has syntax highlighting and bracket matching so that's pretty nice.)

That's a heckin rig. Running vim?

Nah, I literally use gedit w/ cobalt theme. https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Gedit https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GtkSourceView/StyleSchemes?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=cobalt.png (it looks better than the screenshot due to some customizations; once I get back on my regular machine I'll get you a screenshot of my setup)

quite the contrast there lol

gotta appeal to all the people


hucario commented 4 years ago

I'm almost sorry. image Still "working" on fixing the options page btw.

hucario commented 4 years ago

Fixed, but I had to assassinate buttons CSS. https://github.com/hucario/Anesidora/commit/736f2316ff66a0a2e63f009275a7937f8bc7d6f1

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Fixed, but I had to take out assassinate buttons CSS.

Looks great! Merged in.

With that... I think we're ready to rock. I'll take some screenshots tomorrow probably

I also just want to log that my dream is that new themes are accessible from within Anesidora and it loads the list dynamically. It's very doable, but not worth it for this release.

hucario commented 4 years ago

I mean, it's possible, easily. I just don't like using GitHub as that. I'll write it up and see if you want to use it.

oh, and here's that screenshot I said I'd get: image

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

I'll write it up and see if you want to use it.

Nah, don't worry about it. Like I said, something for the future to consider. For now I think the theme repo is more than sufficient.

That's a pretty sick setup for such low system resources. Gotta avoid those Electron apps at all costs.

On Thu, May 21, 2020, 11:48 AM hucario notifications@github.com wrote:

I mean, it's possible, easily. I just don't like using GitHub as that. I'll write it up and see if you want to use it.

oh, and here's that screenshot I said I'd get: [image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/50851047/82577251-8da70680-9b3f-11ea-8493-0a0e6a29b5cb.png

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/pvrs12/Anesidora/pull/55#issuecomment-632169104, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABVCK4LKCR53HGFAYRFEVV3RSVEN5ANCNFSM4NFSMZKQ .

hucario commented 4 years ago
function f(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        fetch(url).then((e) => {
f('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pvrs12/AnesidoraThemes/master/ThemeList.md').then((d) => {
    var x = d.match(/#### [A-z \--`]*\n<a href="[A-z \--`]*"/g);
    x.forEach((e) => {
        console.log("https://pvrs12.github.io/AnesidoraThemes/" + e.match(/"[A-z \--`]*"/g)[0].substring(1).substring(0,e.match(/"[A-z \--`]*"/g)[0].substring(1).length-1));



edit: image :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

edit 2: image :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

edit 3: image :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: (the name showing is a hover effect, just wasn't working because my screenshot software is weird. it's usually much easier to see)

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Whooopsie. Quick delete the comment from my work account

On Thu, May 21, 2020, 12:08 PM hucario notifications@github.com wrote:

f('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pvrs12/AnesidoraThemes/master/ThemeList.md').then((d) => {

var x = d.match(/#### [A-z \--`]*\n<a href="[A-z \--`]*"/g);


x.forEach((e) => {

    console.log("https://pvrs12.github.io/AnesidoraThemes/" + e.match(/"[A-z \--`]*"/g)[0].substring(1).substring(0,e.match(/"[A-z \--`]*"/g)[0].substring(1).length-1));




— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/pvrs12/Anesidora/pull/55#issuecomment-632180539, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABVCK4IHMUVNKSXNCKPJPILRSVGWDANCNFSM4NFSMZKQ .

hucario commented 4 years ago

Alright, click events and generation are all set up. It works! Screenshot: image I still feel kinda bad using github pages for this but whatever

hucario commented 4 years ago

Adding some themes of mine

hucario commented 4 years ago

I'll write it up and see if you want to use it.

Nah, don't worry about it. Like I said, something for the future to consider. For now I think the theme repo is more than sufficient.

Whoops. Somehow I didn't see this before I went out and made it.

That's a pretty sick setup for such low system resources. Gotta avoid those Electron apps at all costs.

Hey, I can run Discord native if I don't open any other apps, and that's Electron! Seriously though, I've tried: VSCode (freezes computer) Brave (almost freezes computer; it used to be my default browser so I had to rush and close my applications when I accidentally clicked a link outside of Firefox) Light Table (freezes computer) Atom (freezes computer) I can run Github Desktop and Firefox, although I can't open very many tabs if I do.

I'm happy I could even get syntax highlighting. Eh, it fits my needs. I really only use this computer to browse the web, code, do some image editing, at some point do homework, and mod Cave Story.

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Hey, I can run Discord native if I don't open any other apps, and that's Electron!

Ripcord! https://cancel.fm/ripcord/ Disclaimer, I haven't used it much for Discord, but it's been amazing for Slack and supposedly audio works with discord. No video, but if you're just chatting in channels then it should work perfectly

hucario commented 4 years ago

Ooo, looks great :D

hucario commented 4 years ago

Alright - I don't mean to hurry you, but what's the timeline for this?

Also, this screenshot on the Chrome web store seems a bit old lol image

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Soon ™️

But really, I'll see if I can get the screenshots grabbed today, maybe push the update Monday or Tuesday.

On Sat, May 23, 2020, 5:03 PM hucario notifications@github.com wrote:

Alright - I don't mean to hurry you, but is there a timeline for this?

Also, this screenshot on the Chrome web store seems a bit old lol [image: image] https://camo.githubusercontent.com/fac42178aee593a34732bc62461c2534f3e5de57/68747470733a2f2f6c68332e676f6f676c6575736572636f6e74656e742e636f6d2f4234776737467336664639446c723351695f36684c6a767462593656646d2d615f3256556939784c564949454e396e4b52574b4f6765425a3773386e61616357632d69347252384f79673d773634302d683430302d65333635

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/pvrs12/Anesidora/pull/55#issuecomment-633140020, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABVCK4L7NZXM6XGTAK2QTJTRTA2ZJANCNFSM4NFSMZKQ .

hucario commented 4 years ago


pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Release writeup/images are below. Anything you'd like me to add?

Version 2.0.0

Anesidora is now at version 2! Thanks to some huge contributions by Hugh the player has been fully redesigned with a new look and feel! Hugh also worked to add the option to theme the player so that you can customize it however you'd like. Of course if you're a fan of the original design, you can continue to use it the same way you always have.

Full update list:

options player station_list theming history login

pvrs12 commented 4 years ago

Published on firefox and submitted for review on chrome!

hucario commented 4 years ago


hucario commented 4 years ago

Haven't checked this for a bit, so didn't see that, sorry - all looks satisfactory :) :+1: