pvtom / rscp2mqtt

Bridge between an E3/DC home power station and an MQTT broker based on the RSCP protocol
MIT License
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Cycle Time is not the Intervall given in cfg it is 2s more for me. #90

Open RobertHerter opened 3 days ago

RobertHerter commented 3 days ago


i use rscp2mqtt for a long time now and started to use PowerManagement ("e3dc/set/power_mode":) to load/idle the Battery with an dynamic tarif.

To load the Battery for an Hour on low charges, i use charge:12000:1800 on an interval set on 2 seconds. i found that it loads nearly double the time (2h) than one hour.

Looking at the code i found, that you sleep in wsleep for the interval given. But the runtime of one cycle for me is nearly 1.6 seconds so one cycle is not 2 seconds but 3.6.

as a quick an dirty hack i changed wsleep to ` void wsleep(double seconds) {

while(seconds >= 0.0)
    if (mqttRcvd || !go) {
    if(seconds > 1.0) {
    else {
      useconds_t usec = (useconds_t)(seconds * 1e6);
      if(usec > 0)
    seconds = seconds - 1.0;


and measure the runtime within mainLoop at the start of the loop-body with ` struct timeval start, end;

while (go && !bStopExecution) {
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

` and at the end with:

` // Record end time

gettimeofday(&end, NULL);

// Calculate the time difference in microseconds

long seconds = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;

long microseconds = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;

double elapsed = seconds + microseconds * 1e-6;

//Calculate remaining wait

elapsed = (double) cfg.interval - elapsed;

if(elapsed < 0.0)

elapsed = 0.0;

wsleep(elapsed); `

pvtom commented 3 days ago

Hello Robert, I can reproduce the problem. I have adopted your solution :-) and also used the elapsed time instead of counting down the cycles in the power mode functionality. This should result in a more accurate runtime for charging etc. The solution will come with release v3.31, probably next weekend. Best regards Thomas