pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer

Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
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Can't connect to a LYWSD03MMC that has the at1441 Release 78 firmware with the pvvx Flasher #402

Closed jorkkiporkki closed 8 months ago

jorkkiporkki commented 8 months ago

This happens when I try to connect with the Flasher on this site:

9:26:28: Searching for devices 19:27:12: Get Advertising MAC (Web Experimental Features!) 19:27:12: Connecting to: ATC_xxxx 19:27:50: MAC: xxxxxxxxxx, Bat: 99%, Vbat: 3097 mV, Temp: 22.9°C, Humi: 50%, Count: 3 19:27:55: TypeError: getDevVersion(...).then is not a function 19:27:55: Reconnect 1 from 5 . . 19:29:16: Disconnected.

Tried both with Android 12 device and Windows 10 / Edge with Web Experimental features enabled. Tried removing battery too. Works with the Flasher from at1441

Keltharak commented 8 months ago

You need to dl the firmware and use the TlinkOTA flasher to upgrade first time. I juste did it two times few minutes ago.

jorkkiporkki commented 8 months ago

Thanks! I had also found my courage to try it after I wrote the note. Worked here too but maybe the compatibility could be easily improved.

pvvx commented 8 months ago

Firmware from atc1441 does not have any identifiers that can be used to determine what kind of firmware it is.

jorkkiporkki commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the quick response. All good now, Maybe in the future you could agree on an identifier with Aaron to make it easier.

pvvx commented 8 months ago

They are typical for all BLE devices and are described in the standard.

UUID_MODEL_NUMBER 0x2A24 // Model Number String UUID_SERIAL_NUMBER 0x2A25 // Serial Number String UUID_FIRMWARE_REV 0x2A26 // Firmware Revision String UUID_HARDWARE_REV 0x2A27 // Hardware Revision String UUID_SOFTWARE_REV 0x2A28 // Software Revision String UUID_MANUFACTURER_NAME 0x2A29 // Manufacturer Name String ...