pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer

Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
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Recording averaging measurements to flash memory limit #435

Open AleXSR700 opened 9 months ago

AleXSR700 commented 9 months ago

Good morning I could not find information on this but I found that maximum interval for Recording averaging measurements to flash memory seems to be around 240. Maybe it is not the actual value but the resulting interval (now at 120 min).

Could this also be disabled? E.g. I personally never look at the history. All recordings are done on my server.

Thank you for your great work!


pvvx commented 9 months ago

When you hover the mouse, each parameter has tooltips.


Writing history to Flash consumes no more than 0.2% of the battery. Perhaps less - depends on the desired recording step.

AleXSR700 commented 9 months ago

Oh, sorry, I am using my phone so I can get closer to the sensors (rather than moving them or my notebook ;) ).

I was thinking of battery and flash life span. Both probably less problematic, but since it is redundant for a lot of people, I figured "every little helps" :)

pvvx commented 9 months ago

Updating BLE firmware on a regular adapter takes up to 40 seconds. During the update, the average current from the thermometer's battery is about 1 mA. This is equal to 1x40/(60x60) = 0.01111 mAh