pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer

Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
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Arduino ESP32 library #482

Open ioukos opened 4 months ago

ioukos commented 4 months ago

Hi guys,


Is this Arduino library compliant with sensor reading using [LYWSD03MMC] flashed with your firmware ? I mean for temperature and humidity. May be for reed switch reading I will need some changes in the arduino library.

If no, is there a compliant library I can use ?

Thank you for your amazing work.

chinswain commented 3 months ago

Have you had any luck? I also use that library and it works well for ATC and custom format, I will open an issue there and see if they can update it to support the reed switch.

Edit: Opened https://github.com/matthias-bs/ATC_MiThermometer/issues/7

chinswain commented 3 months ago

The library owner has responded so there is hope. I've also started to try and modify the library to include the reed switch count and flags of the custom advertisement. Feel free to assist if you can.


Currently the Reed Switch State is working (open\closed), I cannot work out how to extract the count though position [13] appears to increment on each advertisement so not the reed count.

Sensor 1: a4:c1:38:9f:03:47 23.70°C 46.49% 2.931V 100% -57dBm Count: 73 Reed Switch State: Closed GPIO TRG Output: Low Control Parameters: Set Temperature Trigger Event: Not Triggered Humidity Trigger Event: Not Triggered

chinswain commented 2 months ago

Hi @ioukos The owner has merged my pull request - could you test the latest version of the library? I can't work out how to get the Reed Switch count though, it's shown on the flashing tool\website so must be contained in the message somewhere.


Serial.printf("Measurement Count: %d\n", miThermometer.data[i].count);
// Print boolean flags
Serial.printf("Reed Switch State: %s\n", miThermometer.data[i].reedSwitchState ? "Open" : "Closed");
Serial.printf("GPIO TRG Output: %s\n", miThermometer.data[i].gpioTrgOutput ? "High" : "Low");
Serial.printf("Control Parameters: %s\n", miThermometer.data[i].controlParameters ? "Set" : "Not Set");
Serial.printf("Temperature Trigger Event: %s\n", miThermometer.data[i].tempTriggerEvent ? "Triggered" : "Not Triggered");
Serial.printf("Humidity Trigger Event: %s\n", miThermometer.data[i].humiTriggerEvent ? "Triggered" : "Not Triggered");

I'm not sure if my interpretation of the custom format is correct though so please check and correct.

// Count
data[n].count = foundDevices.getDevice(i).getServiceData().c_str()[13];    

uint8_t flagsByte = foundDevices.getDevice(i).getServiceData().c_str()[14];
data[n].reedSwitchState = flagsByte & 0x01; // Extract bit 0 (Reed Switch)
data[n].gpioTrgOutput = (flagsByte >> 1) & 0x01; // Extract bit 1 (GPIO_TRG pin output)
data[n].controlParameters = (flagsByte >> 2) & 0x01; // Extract bit 2 (Control parameters)
data[n].tempTriggerEvent = (flagsByte >> 3) & 0x01; // Extract bit 3 (Temperature trigger event)
data[n].humiTriggerEvent = (flagsByte >> 4) & 0x01; // Extract bit 4 (Humidity trigger event)

Custom format:

uint8_t     size;   // = 18
uint8_t     uid;    // = 0x16, 16-bit UUID
uint16_t    UUID;   // = 0x181A, GATT Service 0x181A Environmental Sensing
uint8_t     MAC[6]; // [0] - lo, .. [6] - hi digits
int16_t     temperature;    // x 0.01 degree
uint16_t    humidity;       // x 0.01 %
uint16_t    battery_mv;     // mV
uint8_t     battery_level;  // 0..100 %
uint8_t     counter;        // measurement count
uint8_t     flags;  // GPIO_TRG pin (marking "reset" on circuit board) flags: 
                    // bit0: Reed Switch, input
                    // bit1: GPIO_TRG pin output value (pull Up/Down)
                    // bit2: Output GPIO_TRG pin is controlled according to the set parameters
                    // bit3: Temperature trigger event
                    // bit4: Humidity trigger event
ioukos commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the update. Will try ASAP.

Just to be sure, this library is always "passive", I mean just "listenning" and not polling the devices ?

Thank you

chinswain commented 1 month ago

Correct, it captures the advertisement of known devices, no connection.