pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer

Custom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
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Connection issues to MHO C401 with firmware 4.7 #564

Open royalheadwear opened 1 month ago

royalheadwear commented 1 month ago

Hey there, after I upgraded the firmware of my MHO-C401 from the original firmware to the custom firmware v4.7 I have the issue that the connection of the TelinkMiFlasher fails.


Because of this I am not able to make any changes in configuration or retry the firmware update.

Is there any possiblility to solve this connection issue?

by the way: my home assistant is still able to get the sensor data via my ESP32-Bluetooth-Proxy. Just the TelinkMiFlasher is not working

pvvx commented 1 month ago

The system could not analyze that there was a change in the device functions. The MAC was not changed and the system uses the old saved data for this device. Completely reboot the computer, BT adapter, remove the bindings to the previous device.